Prayers to the Holy SpiritPrayer to the Holy Spirit Consecration Come Holy Spirit, come Prayer of healing I believe [Charismatic Creed] Prayer to the Holy GhostHoly Spirit, come into my heart; draw it to Thee by Thy power, O my God, and grant me charity with filial fear. Preserve me, O ineffable Love, from every evil thought; warm me, inflame me with Thy dear love, and every pain will seem light to me. My Father, my sweet Lord, help me in all my actions. Jesus, love, Jesus, love (St. Catherine of Siena). (Anyone who has consecrated himself to Mary according to the formula of the Blessed Grignion de Montfort, and then also to the Sacred Heart, will find great treasures in a repeated consecration to the Holy Spirit. The whole influence of Mary leads us to intimacy with Christ, and the humanity of Jesus leads us to the Holy Spirit, who introduces us into the mystery of the adorable Trinity. ) Prayer of Consecration to the Holy SpiritO Holy Ghost, divine Spirit of light and love, I consecrate to Thee my intellect, my heart, my will and my whole being for time and for eternity. May my intellect be ever docile to Thy heavenly inspirations and to the teaching of the Holy Catholic Church of which Thou art the infallible Guide. May my heart be ever inflamed with the love of God and my neighbour; may my will be ever in conformity with the divine will, and may my whole life be a faithful imitation of the life and virtues of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father and thee, Holy Spirit, be honour and glory for ever. Amen. (Indulgence of 300 days once a day, applicable to the souls in Purgatory -- Pius X. This consecration may be renewed by repeating only the first paragraph of the form. ) COME HOLY SPIRIT, COMEby Joseph of Jesus and Mary Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary your well beloved spouse. Come Holy Spirit, come, enkindle the hearts of your faithful. Come Holy Spirit, come, we have received the body and blood of Jesus, fill us with His spirit, His purity and His goodness. Come Holy Spirit, come, penetrate with your light the deepest part of our souls, empower us with great faith, clothe us with your love and enlighten us with your wisdom. Come Holy Spirit, come, renew our minds and our hearts, make healthy our bodies and our souls. Come Holy Spirit, come, saturate us with your presence and sanctify us. Come Holy Spirit, come, make every beat of our hearts a song of praise, blessing, thanksgiving and glory to God. Come Holy Spirit, come, replace our cold hearts with living furnaces of burning love for God. Come Holy Spirit, come, make every cell of our bodies a holy altar of worship and service to God. Come Holy Spirit, come, let peace reign in our midst, the peace that Jesus has given us. Come Holy Spirit, come, make us aware of the living presence of God at all times. Come Holy Spirit, come, enlighten our minds with wisdom of the heart. Come Holy Spirit, come, prepare our souls as living tabernacles of the Holy Trinity. Come Holy Spirit, come, take over our lives: act in us, think in us, will in us, for the glory of God . Come Holy Spirit, come, increase our faith, hope and love, give us the grace to do always the will of God. Come Holy Spirit, come, increase our dependence in the Sacred hearts of Jesus and Mary. Come Holy Spirit, come, teach us to open our hearts and our lives to the Will of God. Come Holy Spirit, come, make us keep the Word of God constantly. Come Holy Spirit, come, inspire us to be holy and perfect. Come Holy Spirit, come, teach us to surrender to God, remind us constantly to imitate Mary your worthy and beloved spouse. Come Holy Spirit, come, pray for us at all times even if we don't understand it, praise God without ceasing, teach us to worship in spirit and in truth. Come Holy Spirit, come, Spirit of Jesus the Sun of Justice. Let your healing rays touch our hearts, our bodies and our souls and heal us of all wounds that prevent our perfect relationship with God . Come Holy Spirit, come, baptise us with your healing consuming fire of love. Come Holy Spirit, come, touch the hearts of all unbelievers and all sinners, convert them to Jesus, fill them with repentance and the spirit of conversion. Come Holy Spirit, come, enkindle the fire of worship and adoration in lukewarm souls. Come Holy Spirit, come, teach us to love one another as Jesus has loved us. Come Holy Spirit, come, fill us with your goodness, teach us to share and to be compassionate. Come Holy Spirit, come, anoint us with your purity, make us live holy lives for the glory of God. Come Holy Spirit, come, fill us with understanding, patience, faithfulness, trustfulness, mercy, self control, humility, kindness, charity, obedience, piety, surrender and joy. Come Holy Spirit, come, fill us with the Word of God. Come Holy Spirit, come, make us truly new creatures in Christ, help us to shine his light where there is darkness; to bring his peace and joy where there is unhappiness. Come Holy spirit ,come, Teach us to glorify Jesus by evangelising and becoming his instruments of love. Come Holy Spirit, come, animate us with your holy presence. Fill your temples: take possession of our bodies, our souls, our minds and our wills; which we submit to you to glorify God. Come Holy Spirit, come, fill us with the Power of Faith. With the great Love of God. With holy Wisdom. With abundant Grace. With innocent Purity. With everlasting Peace and with the Light of God. Come Holy Spirit, come, dwell in us forever, with the Father and with the Son. Amen. Heal me Lordby Joseph of Jesus and MaryHEALING PRAYER
Lord, hear me.... Lord, anoint me
with Your Divine Spirit... Inflame my heart with the fire of Your Love.....
Flood my being with Your Majestic Presence..... Please attend the call of my
soul........... Lord, forgive me all my offences....., purify me and heal me of
all the resentments that I may have contracted in my ignorance........ Forgive
me for all the times that I have despised You......... when I have sinned and
haven't felt any remorse........ Deign to fill me with the gift of
Forgiveness....... so that at this moment I can forgive all the people that have
offended me, and that I can send my love to them ....... and so that they
forgive me too........... Lord......Heal my self inflicted wounds for lack of
pardon and understanding for my brothers........ Heal me Lord......... Purify my
soul,.... so that I can feel that I have no resentments against anyone....or
against myself......or against You......... Fill me with Your Peace.........
Saturate my being with Your Divine Love, to undo the walls of pride and
selfishness...... Teach me to love You and others .... as I have never loved
before...... Transform me into a sun of Eternal Love light up all
hearts with tender rays of love........ Heal me Lord............. Fill me with
Your Light....... Fill me with Your Love........ Fill me with Your Peace.......
I BELIEVE( Charismatic Scriptural Prayer - by Joseph of Jesus and Mary ) I believe in the Most Holy Trinity, God
the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, three persons, one God. I
believe that I must love you my God with all my heart, with all my mind, with
all my soul and with all my strength , I believe that I must love my neighbour
as myself and that I must forgive him. I believe in the ten commandments, I
believe in the Holy Scriptures. I believe in you Lord Jesus Christ, you are the
Son of the Living God, my God, my Saviour, my Redeemer. I believe that you are
the Word of God, who is eternally present with the Father, I believe that you
came to the world and became flesh through the Blessed Virgin Mary and that you
were conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe in your Word, I
believe in the power of your Gospel, I believe that your words are words of
everlasting life. I believe that your Word opens the Kingdom of Heaven in all
hearts. I believe that you are the Light of the world and the Way to follow, you
are the truth and you are the Life. I believe that every word of your gospel is
for me and that I can be moulded by it if I accept it with my heart. I believe
that if I keep your Word I will have eternal life, that you and your Father will
love me and that you will reveal yourself to me and make a dwelling in me
because I am a temple of your Spirit. I believe that if I keep your word , you
will accompany me with signs and wonders because you have said so, and that I
can do the same things you did because this is your Will. Joseph of Jesus and Mary Veni, Creator (hymn) Come, Holy
Ghost, Creator blest (Veni, Creator)
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