Year B- First Sunday of Advent
33 Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come.
Inspiration of the Holy Spirit - From the Sacred Heart of JesusAccidents happen when you least expect them. A sensible man would be prepared for the unexpected. He would protect himself with insurance to protect his property; he would save money for a rainy day, would anticipate for a moment of disgrace and would at least be prepared mentally to cope with any situation or distress.On the other hand, the foolish man never plans the future; he never anticipates for calamities, he takes everything for granted. When evil strikes him, he is caught unaware. You are living in a time of great calamities, when apocalyptical prophecies are being fulfilled. Do you think you are safe? Do you think you are better off than anyone else and that you may escape the tribulation that has been predicted for everyone? If you are going away on a trip, you prepare yourself in many ways. You prepare your luggage, make travel arrangements, prepare your camera, obtain foreign currency, get a passport and obtain visas for the places you will visit, in other words you spare no effort in order to secure a safe and happy holiday. Preparation is the secret of success, not only in earthly activities, but more importantly in your spiritual life. And just as you anticipate the weather by movements of the clouds and the winds, you can also understand that you are living in very dangerous times when things may change very quickly from one moment to the next. We are talking here about your trip from this life into eternity. A whole life is given to you so that you may stop frequently and meditate about it. It is very important for you to be constant and persevere in your spiritual life otherwise when the final moment arrives it will catch you unaware. I do not want anyone to be lost; this is why I came personally to proclaim my message of salvation to everyone, so that no one would be lost. It is never too late to stop and reflect on these spiritual realities that unfortunately get obscured with all the worldly occupations. I am telling you once more, repent, amend your life, be more aware of your reality as a spiritual being. Remember that the time will come when you will be called to enter into the spiritual realm for eternity and depending on how you lived your life you will either be saved or condemned. It is a very serious situation that needs urgent attention; do not procrastinate. Start doing something about it before it is too late. Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary Catholic
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