Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
To be prayed at the end of the Cenacle

Virgin of Fatima, Mother of Mercy, Queen of Heaven and earth,
refuge of sinners, we who belong to the Marian Movement consecrate ourselves in a very
special way to your Immaculate Heart.
By this Act of Consecration, we intend to live with You
and through You all the obligations assumed by our baptismal consecration. We further
pledge to bring about in ourselves that interior conversion so urgently demanded by the
Gospel, a conversion that will free us of every attachment to ourselves and to easy
compromises with the world so that like You we may be available only to do always the Will
of the Father.
And as we resolve to entrust to You, O Mother most sweet
and merciful, our life and vocation as Christians, that you may dispose of it according to
your designs of Salvation in this hour of decision that weighs upon the world, we pledge
to live it according to your desires, especially as it pertains to a renewed spirit of
prayer and penance, the further participation in the celebration of the Eucharist and in
the works of the apostolate, the daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, and an austere
manner of life in keeping with the Gospel, that shall be to all a good example of the
observance of the Law of God and the practice of the Christian virtues, especially that of
We further promise You to be united with the Holy Father,
with the Hierarchy and with our priests, in order to thus set up a barrier to the growing
confrontation directed against the magisterium, that threatens the very foundation of the
Under your protection, we want to be apostles of
this sorely needed unity of prayer and love for the Pope, on whom we invoke your special
And lastly insofar as is possible, we promise to lead
those souls with whom we come in contact to a renewed devotion to You.
Mindful that atheism has caused shipwreck in the faith to
a great number of the faithful, that desecration has entered into the holy temple of God
and that evil and sin are spreading more and more throughout the world, we make so bold as
to lift our eyes trustingly to you, O Mother of Jesus and Our Merciful and Powerful
Mother, and we invoke again today and await from you the Salvation of all your children, O
Clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
To Jesus through the hands of Mary by St.
Louis de Montfort.