Year A- 13th Sunday in ordinary time
37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;
Inspiration of the Holy Spirit - From the Sacred Heart of Jesus![]() It is not as if you know how to love; it is that if you love God who is love, the love of God will live and you, and whatever you do will be done for the love of God. When you love your neighbor as you love yourself, the love of God is in your heart. When that love reigns in you, you don’t do things anymore for yourself but for the love of God. When I say that to love someone in your family more than me makes you unworthy, I mean that nothing in the world, not even your own life must receive the love and the importance that the Lord your God must receive. I am above all creation, I am above all the treasures of heaven and earth, therefore if you really love me above everything else, you will come to know me as I am, you will make yourself worthy of my love and I will be attracted by your love, so much that I will live in you and you will live in me, therefore we will become one. When you live entirely for me and place me above everything else, I will make you a fountain of love. From your heart will flow divine love that will touch the hearts of all those around you. You will love your family as never before, because your merciful love will be truly genuine, not just the love of the flesh. You will learn to love with my heart and you will love everyone with compassion and tenderness. All this you will do because you will attain the perfection of my love. This is why you must carry your cross, accept your sufferings and abandon yourself to my will, so that you may die to the world. You must lose your life for my sake so that you can find your real life, you must become another Christ, one who will give his life for the rest of the world through love. True love will be rewarded, and even if you give a cup of water in my name your will have your reward. Love grows when love is given, I am love, so let me live in your heart and give my love to everyone. Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary Catholic
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