Year A- 31th Sunday in ordinary time
1 Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,
Inspiration of the Holy Spirit - From the Sacred Heart of Jesus![]() I am your master and teacher, there is no other. My teachings have been conveyed to you first of all through my apostles and disciples, they have been passed from generation to generation by tradition and have been recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Every one who is baptized has the responsibility to give witness to my word; this is why parents are the first ones to communicate their faith to their children. The maximum authority on my teachings is the Catholic Church, which has been entrusted with the treasure of the faith. Any teaching outside my Church is incomplete, because it is acting in disobedience. The priest has great responsibility before me. If he conveys the wrong teaching he will cause great damage to many souls. If he preaches my doctrine faithfully he will gain many souls to my kingdom, he will receive my blessings constantly. It is very important that you appeal to the Holy Spirit to help you and guide you in the knowledge of God, in order to assimilate the teachings that you receive. I promised to my apostles that I would not leave them orphans; so on the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended upon them and enlightened them with wisdom to know me more intimately. You receive my Holy Spirit when you are baptized. It is a fire of my Presence and is always there to assist you in your faith. But it is only a little flame that must be fanned with your devotions and your desire for God. You must put fuel into this fire by your desire to know me, love me and serve me. When your desires for me burn within you, I will manifest myself to you and reveal my wisdom in your soul. To draw living waters from the fountain of my wisdom you must come very humbly with a contrite heart. Just as Moses was asked to remove his sandals before he approached the burning bush, I ask you to purify yourself. Remove all your pride before you come to me. Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary Catholic
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