Year A- Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King
31 "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory.
Inspiration of the Holy Spirit - From the Sacred Heart of Jesus![]() Men were accustomed to earthly kingdoms, where some kings actually took advantage of their subjects and had slaves to serve them. The Jews expected a powerful king sent by God who would overpower their enemies and make the chosen people stronger than the rest of the world. The Messiah was for them a great sign of hope for a better world here on earth, but they did not understand the plan of God, which was to send his Son to free the world from the slavery of sin. My first coming to the world was not to impress anyone as a powerful king but to be the suffering servant of God my Father in heaven. I came to serve, not to be served, to teach you my wisdom, which is to do the will of my Father. Because of my perfect life in accordance with the will of God, I, God the son, having taken human flesh to be a man like you in all ways except sin, became the perfect instrument of God to pay with my human flesh for the sins of the world. In my pure nature I received the punishment for all humanity through the offering of my entire life, my sufferings and my death on the cross. To prove the acceptance of my holy sacrifice, God the Father permitted me to triumph over death with my resurrection, so that you may have faith in me in order to find eternal life in me after your death. My death and my resurrection glorified me, and glorified my Heavenly Father. They opened the gates of heaven, which were shut because of sin; they restored men to the pristine quality of the sinless man, the Christ. In my first coming I came to save not to condemn, to instruct in the ways of perfection, and to point myself as the way, the truth and the life. My second coming will be very different from the first. I am the King of Glory; I come with authority to judge the earth. Those who rejected me will be rejected, those who did not follow me will perish eternally, and those who lived for themselves will have no eternal life. My words will be my judgment, those who lived holy lives will be welcomed into my eternal kingdom of joy, but those who lived for sin will enter eternal punishment. Be good while you still have a chance, forgive so that you may be forgiven, love one another to prove yourselves worthy of my love, give generously and you shall be given generously, be merciful and my mercy will be shown to you. Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary Catholic
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