Year B- 16th Sunday in ordinary time
30 And the apostles coming together unto Jesus, related to him all things that they had done and taught.
Inspiration of the Holy Spirit - From the Sacred Heart of JesusHow beautiful it is for me to listen to the soul that comes humbly to disclose his life to me, even though I already know it, there is certain attraction in that littleness that sweetens my ear, it is the simplicity of heart that attracts me and fills me with joy. Just as a child comes to his mother to tell her stories to her delight, so I delight by listening happily to the complaints, the achievements and the hopes of every soul.Let the children come to me, because the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs, I say it again, oh, if they all came to me like little children, if they could change their hearts of stone for the infantile tenderness, the whole world would change. As a child listens attentively to the instruction of his parents, so I listen to the soul that comes to me with humility. I am the Great Master of the Soul; he who desires my teaching must share his life with me, must put all his trust in me and listen attentively in order to learn. It is notorious to see how young people come to a state of mental maturity when they reject the teachings of their parents and go against the healthy moral principals they accepted in their previous innocence. It is very sad to see how this change from child to adult, brings to a false security against the good teachings of infancy. In the same way, the soul of a child learns to know God innocently and with a faith without barriers, thereafter comes intellectualism and the examples of the world to destroy those strong foundations of the spiritual life. For this reason, the soul has to be shaken in order to understand that it has come out of the way, then my Spirit claims incessantly until some understand my call and decide to change. The advice I gave to my disciples was to search for moments of silence to be in prayer. I practiced this and gave them example, I taught them that the Kingdom of heaven is within; it is there in the interior dwelling, the altar of the soul, where my Spirit speaks and listens, where the transformation of the human being occurs, where you can know me. My voice surges in the temple of silence, in the darkness of the soul I reveal my light to those who follow my Word, “be still and know, that I am the Lord”. In order to quieten the soul, it is necessary to stay away from so many mundane events that take away time, saturate the mind and infect the heart. Moderate entertainment is good, but hunger for entertainment is gluttony that destroys the soul with insatiable passion for the world. I repeat, don’t you have at least an hour to spend with me? I am the Lord the Lord of the Sunday, the day to honor God, I claim this day to attend the Holy Mass, to dedicate it to the family and to spiritual growth. But what has it become? The same as my feasts of Holy Week and Nativity, Sundays are days dedicated to the gods of the world and to offend me with indifference. This is the reason why so many souls cannot quieten down and enjoy the privileges of the saints, this is why my word is dispersed like seeds that fall on the rocks, they cannot thrive. However, I have nothing against anyone, I wait eagerly the return of each soul, I happily give my teachings to those who want to listen to me, I am the Good Shepherd, the Teacher who waits punctually for his pupils, all are invited, come, learn from me, be humble as I am humble, do not despise the gift that I am offering. Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary Catholic
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