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Holy Eucharist teachings by: Fathers of the Church, The Saints, The Blessed, The popes, The Bible, The Catechism, Testimonies, Prayers The Holy Eucharist                             Holy Eucharist teachings by: Fathers of the Church, The Saints, The Blessed, The popes, The Bible, The Catechism, Testimonies, Prayers The Work of God index  Holy Eucharist teachings by: Fathers of the Church, The Saints, The Blessed, The popes, The Bible, The Catechism, Testimonies, Prayers


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Holy Eucharist - Blessed Sacrament teachings

Holy Eucharist teachings by: Fathers of the Church, The Saints, The Blessed, The popes, The Bible, The Catechism, Testimonies, Prayers

70  Saint  Katherine Drexel

The first Sister of the Blessed Sacrament
"Christ wishes the Christian Community to be a body that is perfect because we work together towards a single end, and the higher the motive which actuates this collaboration the higher, no doubt, will be the union. Now the end in question is supremely exalted: the continuous sanctification of the Body for the glory of God and the Lamb that was slain [Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament]." 

Holy Eucharist teachings by: Fathers of the Church, The Saints, The Blessed, The popes, The Bible, The Catechism, Testimonies, Prayers

71  Bishop  Fulton J. Sheen

The little town of Bethlehem is taken from two Hebrew words which mean "House of Bread." He Who called Himself "the Living Bread descended from Heaven" was born in the "House of Bread" and was laid in the place of food, the manger. The first temptation Christ had in the beginning of His public life was to become a bread King, and to win men by supplying them with food. On one occasion when they attempted to make Him King after multiplying the bread, He fled into the mountains. Rome once rang with the cry: "Bread and circuses." But the Bread that was brought at Bethlehem was an entirely different kind: "Not by bread alone does man live."

The body has its bread. Shall not the soul have its food too? Those who have nourished themselves solely on the bread of the stomach and ignored the Bread of the soul have cried out with some of the bitter disappointment of the Lord Chesterfield: "I have seen the silly rounds of business and pleasure, and have done with them all. I have enjoyed all the pleasures of the world and consequently know their futility, and do not regret their loss. Their real value is very low; but those who have not experienced them always over-rate them. For myself, I by no means desire to repeat the nauseous dose." 

Holy Eucharist teachings by: Fathers of the Church, The Saints, The Blessed, The popes, The Bible, The Catechism, Testimonies, Prayers

72  Saint  Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)

"Jesus, what made You so small? LOVE!" 

Holy Eucharist teachings by: Fathers of the Church, The Saints, The Blessed, The popes, The Bible, The Catechism, Testimonies, Prayers

73  Saint  T. Benedicta, Edith Stein:

"And the Word became flesh'. That truth became a reality in the manger at Bethlehem. But it was to be fulfilled in yet another form: 'Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood, has eternal life.' The Savior, who knows that we are human beings and will remain human beings who have to struggle daily with weaknesses, comes to our assistance in a truly divine manner. Just as the human body is in need of daily bread, so also does the divine life in us require constant nourishment." 
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Holy Eucharist teachings by: Fathers of the Church, The Saints, The Blessed, The popes, The Bible, The Catechism, Testimonies, Prayers