The Holy Eucharist is a continuos living miracle
Emmanuel , God is with us
"Do this
is memory of me"
(John. 6:51)
"I myself am the living bread come down from heaven. If anyone eats this
bread he shall live forever; the bread I will give is my flesh for the life
of the world." 52 The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying,
"How can this man give us his flesh to eat?"
53 So Jesus said to
them, "Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man
and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
54 Those who eat my
flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the
last day;
55 for my flesh is
true food and my blood is true drink.
56 Those who eat my
flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.
57 Just as the
living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me
will live because of me.
This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like that which your
ancestors ate, and they died. But the one who eats this bread will live
Eucharistic miracles - blood in hosts and
statues Through the centuries, the Church has documented many Eucharistic
miracles showing the real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Many have
been the hosts that have bleed and other phenomena has also occurred. The
Church has allowed scientists to analyze these phenomena to ascertain the
veracity and authenticity. Here we present some cases so that we may grow in
our faith. Eucharistic Miracle de Lanciano-Italy.

Lanciano is a small medieval town in Abruzzo,
Italy, located in the province de Chieti. There is preserved for more than
twelve centuries the first and greatest of Eucharistic miracles: the
Eucharistic Miracle de Lanciano.
In the 8th century, a Basilian monk began to doubt about the real presence
of the body and blood of Jesus Christ in the consecrated host and the
chalice with the consecrated wine; during the consecration the bread and the
wine changed appearence and here the miracle. Before the eyes of priest; the
host became a piece de living flesh; the consecrated wine in the
chalice became blood, coagulating in five irregular pebbles of different
size and shape. This flesh and blood have been preserved through the
centuries in the same original condition.
Scientific verifications del miracle During the 1970's, taking advantage of
the latest advances in science, by request of the Chruch, a scientific
analysis of those ancient relics was made through a group of experts in
pathology and cardiology. Professors Odoardo Linolli, Professor of Anatomy
and pathological histology, chemistry and clinical microscopy, and Ruggero
Bertellí, of the University of Siena made the necessary studies in the
These were the results: The flesh is true flesh. The blood is true blood.
Both flesh and blood are human flesh and blood. The flesh and blood are of
the same blood group (AB). The flesh and the blood belong to a person who is
alive. The diagram of this blood corresponds to human blood that was
extracted from a human body on the same day. The flesh consists of a muscle
tissue from the heart (myocardium).
The conservation of these relics left in their
natural state for centuries and exposed to the action of physical,
atmospheric and biological agents, is an extraordinary phenomenon. It is
also worthy of admiration the fact that these pebbles of blood are
coagulated, and although they all have different size, each one weighs the
same weight as all five united at the same time. The conclusion of science
confirms our faith and by this means the authenticity of this Eucharistic
Miracle of Lanciano is demonstrated.
Recent eucharistic miracles
An expert of our time has devoted his life to examine scientifically these
miracles using current technology to demonstrate the Real Presence of Jesus
Christ alive in every consecrated host.
His name is Dr. Ricardo Castanon who studied Clinical Psychology,
specialized in psychosomatic medicine and cognitive Neuro-psico-phisiology.
He especialized in France, Germany and Italy. He is the author of
documentaries, books and science articles. Fox TV produced a documentary
about his research in eucharistic miracles occurred in South America and
concluded that they are truly authentic, this happened on July 28, 1999 Live
before an audience of 28 million people. As a result they made a film
entitled "Signs of God, science proves the faith."
About Dr. Ricardo Castanon.
Videos -

Born in Bolivia. He was an atheist in 1990, and was writing a book entitled
"From a neuron cell to a person," he was trying to explain how the brain has
evolved so that mammals evolve into human beings. It turns out that in 1992
he began doing research on mystical phenomena and was traveling to Ecuador.
As a result his life began to change. In 1994 he had a special experience. A
Bishop of Ecuador thought that the case of a lady seer Patricia Talbot, was
not authentic , Dr. Castanon traveled to study the case, to prove
scientifically whether it was false or true. Studies showed that it was
authentic, so it was approved by the Bishop and she was allowed to continue
her apostolate.
During these studies he dealt with many people, including a woman who had
had mystical experiences, it was the first time he saw her and she
approached him. She was a humble person, perhaps a peasant, she had no
intellectual training, about fifty years old, and she told him: "I have two
messages of Jesus for you.
* The first says that you through science should help demonstrate what
psychics or seers are real and which are fake.
* The second says the Lord, that you don't know what to do with your book
"From a neuron cell to a person." She could not know this, because he
started this book in early 1990, it was 1992 and he had stopped writing in
the eighth chapter because it had key atheist topics .
* In addition, the Lord told the lady tell him something he did not know.
Message from our Lord
*** The Lord said: "The soul is life. God gives us life through an animation
of the body. What animates the life of a body is the soul. So the animal has
an animal soul. So the plant has a vegetable soul, because it has life. BUT
THEY HAVE NO SPIRIT. Dogs do not have spirit, plants do not have spirit. THE
spirit on man when man is conceived between a man and a woman. The spirit is
the divine part that each man has and it is expressed in his life through
his behavior".
He concludes that when we move away from that spiritual reality, our
spiritual dimension decreases and we become materialistic. He also says that
money can not bring happiness to a millionaire, because money is not enough,
because even if you can buy pleasures you won't be happy. He says "The man
who ignores his spiritual dimension ignores great values, so, that is the
problem that we have, and our society must return to rediscover its
spiritual life"
Eucharistic miracle in Buenos Aires

Doctor Castanon was called to Buenos aires by
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is now the current pope Francisco,
who asked him to investigate two hosts that bled, one in Buenos Aires and
one in Chilpancingo.
This happened because of this current habit of our times, of receiving the
host in the hand. This host fell from someone's hands and although it was
consecrated and we accept it as the body and blood of Christ, he did not
want to pick it up to take it. The priest picked it up and placed it in
water to dissolve it, as it is a rule of the Church, then when it is fully
dissolved it is thrown into a plant.
Five days after leaving the host with water in the tabernacle, he saw that
instead of having disintegrated, the host had a few red spots, the size and
intensity of the blood increased and also there was more liquid, for this
reason he invited Dr. Ricardo Castanon to analyze these samples in a
He took a sample of a gelatinous mass and also the host from Chilpancingo
that in 1996 had bled and then dried and became crusty. He traveled to
California United States to analyze the samples in a laboratory, he did not
disclose the source. The result was that the sample consists of heart
muscle, which comes from the myocardium in the left ventricle, that was the
first result.
After 1999, more tests were made through an expert in cardiology, pathology
and biochemistry, it was Professor Frederick Zugivewho has written a book on
how to diagnose how a person has died when the heart has been injured. He
told us, "the person who had this heart must have died very ill treated
because in his heart there are injuries showing that he has been badly
beaten, they have tortured this man. Then he says, there is something you
have to explain. How can it be possible that when I was studying this
sample, cells pulsed and throbbed! So explain to me how you can take the
living heart of a person and I bring it to my lab in New York". He was
told that it was not what he thought, because this was a consecrated host
which had begun to bleed.
It was extraordinary for us, doctor says, for this sample was being analyzed
during the last five years. After that, the doctor travels back to
Argentina. Looking at the initial analysis, a laboratory technician says:
"We observe some fluids, red blood cells, white blood cells, and hemoglobin,
but what most catches your eye is that those cells are alive, throbbing and
The strange thing is that more than a few days had already passed and it
is known that after 15 minutes the white and red blood cells break down.
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