Holy Eucharist - Blessed Sacrament teachings

 Holy Eucharist teachings - The Work of God Apostolate

218  Saint  Peter Julian Eymard

"Thank Him in all humility of heart, like Saint Elizabeth in the presence of Mary and the Word Incarnate; thank Him with the vibrant ardor of Saint John the Baptist when he felt the closeness of his divine Master, hidden like himself in His mother's womb; thank Him with the joy and generosity of Zacheus when he received the visit of Jesus in his house; thank Him with the Holy Church and the heavenly court." 

219  Saint  Peter Julian Eymard

"In order that your thanksgiving may never cease and go on forever increasing, do what is done in heaven. Consider the goodness, the beauty ever old and ever new of the God of the Eucharist, Who for our sake is consumed and reborn without ceasing on the altar." 

220  Fathers of the Church -  John Damascene (d. 749)

"The Eucharist is a fire which inflames us." 

221  Pope  John Paul II, to the Bishops of India

"From the Eucharist comes strength to live the Christian life and zeal to share that life with others." 

222  Saint  Peter Julian Eymard

"I try to rekindle the fire of the Holy Eucharist." 

223  Saint  Anthony Mary Claret

"The faith I have when I am in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament is so strong that I find it impossible to express what I feel... When the time comes to leave I must force myself to overcome the inclination to prolong my stay with Jesus." 
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