Prayers of Repentance

Prayer of Manasseh     |    God is Love    |    Heal me Lord

Prayer of Manasseh © NRSV Apocrypha

1.     O Lord Almighty, 
    God of our ancestors, 
    of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob 
    and of their righteous offspring; 
2      you who made heaven and earth 
    with all their order; 
3      who shackled the sea by your word of command, 
    who confined the deep 
    and sealed it with your terrible and glorious name; 
4      at whom all things shudder, 
    and tremble before your power, 
5      for your glorious splendour cannot be borne, 
    and the wrath of your threat to sinners is unendurable; 
6      yet immeasurable and unsearchable 
    is your promised mercy, 
7      for you are the Lord Most High, 
    of great compassion, long-suffering, and very merciful, 
    and you relent at human suffering. 
    O Lord, according to your great goodness 
    you have promised repentance and forgiveness 
    to those who have sinned against you, 
    and in the multitude of your mercies 
    you have appointed repentance for sinners, 
    so that they may be saved. 
8      Therefore you, O Lord, God of the righteous, 
    have not appointed repentance for the righteous, 
    for Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, who did not sin against you, 
    but you have appointed repentance for me, who am a sinner. 
9      For the sins I have committed are more in number than the sand of the sea; 
    my transgressions are multiplied, O Lord, they are multiplied! 
    I am not worthy to look up and see the height of heaven 
    because of the multitude of my iniquities. 
10      I am weighted down with many an iron fetter, 
    so that I am rejected because of my sins, 
    and I have no relief; 
    for I have provoked your wrath 
    and have done what is evil in your sight, 
    setting up abominations and multiplying offences. 
11      And now I bend the knee of my heart, 
    imploring you for your kindness. 
12      I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, 
    and I acknowledge my transgressions. 
13      I earnestly implore you, 
    forgive me, O Lord, forgive me! 
    Do not destroy me with my transgressions! 
    Do not be angry with me forever or store up evil for me; 
    do not condemn me to the depths of the earth. 
    For you, O Lord, are the God of those who repent, 
14      and in me you will manifest your goodness; 
    for, unworthy as I am, you will save me according to your great mercy, 
15      and I will praise you continually all the days of my life. 
    For all the host of heaven sings your praise, 
    and yours is the glory forever. Amen. 

God is Love


4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious (jealous NJB) or boastful or arrogant (conceited NJB)

5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way (never seeks its own advantage NJB); it is not irritable( it does not take offence NJB) or resentful ( store up grievances NJB);

6 it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth.

7 It bears all things (it is always ready to make allowances NJB), believes all things (to trust NJB) , hopes all things, endures all things (whatever comes).

© NRSV - © (NJB)

Forgive me Lord, for not being patient 
Forgive me Lord, for not being kind
Forgive me Lord, for being envious and not generous
Forgive me Lord, for being arrogant
Forgive me Lord, for being rude
Forgive me Lord, for wanting things my own way 
Forgive me Lord, for seeking my own advantage
Forgive me Lord, for being irritable
Forgive me Lord, for being so easily offended
Forgive me Lord, for not forgiving quickly
Forgive me Lord, for storing up resentments
Forgive me Lord, for rejoicing in wrongdoing
Forgive me Lord, for not hating evil
Forgive me Lord, for not rejoicing in the truth
Forgive me Lord, for not bearing all things 
Forgive me Lord, for not making allowances
Forgive me Lord, for not having more faith
Forgive me Lord, for not trusting in you more
Forgive me Lord, for not enduring everything in acceptance of your will.

Heal me Lord

Lord, hear me....	
Lord, anoint me with Your Divine Spirit...	
Inflame my heart with the fire of Your Love.....	
Flood my being with Your Majestic Presence.....	
Please attend the call of my soul...........	
Lord,  forgive me all my offences.....,  	
purify  me  and  heal  me of all  the  resentments  
that  I may have contracted in my ignorance........	
Forgive me for all the times that I have despised You.........	
when I have sinned and haven't felt any remorse........	
Deign  to  fill me with the gift of Forgiveness.......	
so  that at this moment I can  forgive all the people  that  have 	
offended me, and that I can send my love to them .......	
and so that they forgive me too...........	
Lord......Heal  my self inflicted wounds for lack of  pardon  and 	
understanding for my brothers........	
Heal me Lord.........	
Purify  my  soul,....  so  that  I can feel  that  I  have  no 	
resentments against anyone....or against myself......or against	
Fill me with Your Peace.........	
Saturate  my being with Your Divine Love,  to undo the walls  of 	
pride and selfishness......	
Teach  me  to  love You and others ....  as I  have  never  loved 	
Transform me into a sun of Eternal Love light up all 	
hearts with tender rays of love........	
Heal me Lord............. 	
Fill me with Your Light.......	
Fill me with Your Love........	
Fill me with Your Peace.......	


Joseph of Jesus and Mary


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Acknowledgment. All Bible quotations taken from the Douay Rheims Bible 1582


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