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Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father
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Poem of the man God
Five volumes. As dictated by Jesus to Maria Valtorta
Jesus says: « Today write only this. Purity has such a value, that the womb
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Abandonment to
Divine Providence
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The 10 Commandments and the Natural Law
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A Sensational Expulsion of the Devil which occurred in Iowa in
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"The Surrender
Novena," by Don Dolindo Ruotolo, who had a very close
relationship with Padre Pio, this is a powerful prayer that encourages
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of the Catholic Church
It is a great cause for great joy, that the Latin
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Oh Holy Spěrit
by Don Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970) had a very close
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Mystical City of God by Maria of Agreda

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Mystical City of God by Maria of Agreda. Revelations about
the Life of Our Lady and Our Lord
Volume 2 The
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Mystical City of God by Maria of Agreda. Revelations
about the Life of Our Lady and Our Lord
Volume 3 The
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Mystical City of God by Maria of Agreda. Revelations about
the Life of Our Lady and Our Lord
Volume 4 The
Coronation - mp3 files

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