MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANSRededication of Australia AUSTRALIA TO BE REDICATED TO OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANSA meeting of members was conducted at the Marian Centre in Broadway on Thursday 18th March 1999 Convened by our Founder Brian Burgess, to consider the concept of seeking the re-dedication of Australia to its Patroness - during the year of the Great Jubilee. The concept met with unanimous support
and on 25th March, 1999 correspondence was directed to the General Secretary of the
Australian Bishops' Conference Rev. Fr. Brian V. Finnigan, requesting the subject be
favourably considered by the then upcoming Australian Bishops' Conference. Correspondence received from Rev. Fr. Finnigan of 14th July 2000 confirmed the proposal of the Bishops' conference that the re-dedication take place in May 2001. Further advice was received on 6h August, 1999 Confirming that the proposal had been accepted by the Bishops' Conference and "-the date for such a most appropriate celebration would be the feast of Mary Help of Christian on 24th May 2001". "At this time no proposal has been formulated as to the form the rededication might take". The significance of the year 2001 being the Centenary of federation. We request your Prayers for the Liturgical Commission as they carry out this important task that the Holy Spirit may bless and guide their efforts for this coming rededication event as we head into the new millennium with the full knowledge that the state of our Nation, the Church and our families, is in great need for heavenly intervention to survive the onslaught of the culture of death that our Holy Father Pope John Paul II so often refers to. This includes the many "isms" that are surrounding us on so many sides and are ripping into the very fabric of our lives as Catholic Christians, e.g., secular humanism, practical atheism, pantheism, etc. The dedication made in 1988 during the Marian year is valid and not worn out. The renewal of this dedication will give all of us the greatest opportunity, to take part and, dedicate, or re-dedicate, our own lives, families, our homes, our workplace, but most of all, make Our Patroness "Mary Help of Christians" better known. During this time of preparation we, the Servants of Mary Help of Christians, plan to bring about the distribution of many thousands of holy pictures and information leaflets to bring to as many people (Catholic or non Catholic) an awareness of the power of prayer through the Mother of Jesus under this title of our Australian Patroness, "Mary Help of Christians". History has proved that prayers through the Mother of Jesus, under the title of Mary Help of Christians, are the hope for our future as history has proved on so many occasions the power of Her intercession when Her Children invoke Her under this title "Help of Christians". This immense task can only be carded out with the help of all our members. It is through our prayers, encouragement through our local organizations, such as Knights of the Southern Cross, Catholic Women's' League, Legion of Mary, Serra Club, Parish Liturgy groups, Parish Councils and any other Catholic group that can offer support to our Bishops and Priests, and Religious Communities, and help to inform our Nation that this is a time of great opportunity. Mary Help of Christians pray for us.
The Work of God |