The Father's message part 2B
If men could penetrate the Heart of Jesus in all Its
desires and Its glory, they would realize that Its most ardent desire is to glorify the
Father, the One Who sent Him, and, most of all, not to let His glory be diminished as it
has been until now. He desires the complete glory that men can and must give Me, as their
Father and Maker, and still more as the Author of their Redemption!
I am asking of man what he is able to give Me: his confidence, his love and his gratitude.
It is not because I need My creature and his adoration that I desire to be known, honoured
and loved; the only reason why I am stooping down to him is to save him and give him a
share in My glory. Further, in My goodness and My love I realize that the beings I have
drawn from nothing and adopted as My true children are falling in great numbers into
eternal unhappiness with the devils. They are thus failing to fulfil the purpose of their
creation and are losing their time and their eternity!
If there is something that I desire, above all now, it is simply to see more fervour on
the part of the just, a smooth path for the conversion of sinners, sincere and persevering
conversion, and the return of the prodigal sons to their Father's house. I am referring in
particular to the Jews and to all others who are My creatures and children, such as the
schismatics, the heretics, the freemasons, the poor infidels, the sacrilegious, and the
various secret sects. I want this whole world to know that there is a God and a Creator.
This God, Who will address their ignorance twice over, is unknown to them; they do not
know that I am their Father.
Believe Me, you who are listening to Me as you read these words: if all men who are far
from our Catholic Church heard people talking about this Father Who loves them, Who is
their Creator and their God, about this Father Who desires to give them eternal life, then
many of these men, even the most obstinate ones, would come to this Father of Whom you had
spoken to them.
If you cannot go to them and talk to them directly, look for other means: thousands of
direct and indirect ways. Put them into effect with the true spirit of disciples and with
great fervour. I promise you that your efforts will soon be crowned with success by a
special grace. Make yourselves apostles of My fatherly goodness and, because of the zeal I
will give you all, you will be strong and powerful in your work among souls.
I will always be close to you and in you: if there are two of you talking, I will be with
you; if there are more, I will be among you; thus you will say what I inspire you to say
and I will put your listeners in the right frame of mind to hear you. In this way, men
will be conquered by love and saved for all eternity.
With regard to the means of honouring Me as I desire, all I ask of you is great
confidence. Do not think I want austerities or mortifications; I do not want you to walk
barefoot or to lay your faces in the dust, or to cover yourselves with ashes. No, no! My
dearest wish is that you behave as My children, simply and trusting in Me!
With you I will become everything for everyone, the most tender and loving Father. I will
be on intimate terms with you, giving Myself to you all, making Myself small so as to make
you great for eternity.
Most of the unbelievers, the impious and various communities remain in their iniquity and
unbelief because they think that I am asking the impossible of them, that they have to
submit to My commands like slaves of a tyrannical lord, whose power and pride keep him
distant from his subjects, to oblige them to show Him respect and devotion. No, no, My
children! I know how to make Myself small, far smaller than you can imagine.
However, what I do require is the faithful observance of the commandments I gave the
Church, so that you will be rational creatures and will not be like animals because of
your lack of discipline and your evil inclinations, so that you will preserve the treasure
which is the soul I gave you, clothed in the fullness of its divine beauty!
Then, according to My desire, do what I have already instructed you to do: honour Me with
a special devotion. May this make you know My will to give you many benefits and to let
you share in large measure in My power and My glory, simply in order to make you happy and
save you, and to show My sole desire: to love you and be loved in return by you.
If you love Me as faithful children, you will also have loving and obedient respect for My
Church and My representatives. Not a respect such as you show now, which keeps you distant
from Me because you are afraid of Me. This false respect that you have now is an injustice
to justice, it is a wound you cause to the most sensitive part of My Heart; you are
forgetting, scorning, My fatherly love for you.
What most grieved Me about My people, Israel, and what most afflicts Me still about
present-day humanity, is this ill-conceived respect you have of Me. Man's enemy has, in
fact, used it to lead him to fall into idolatry and schisms. He is still using it and will
continue to use it against you to keep you distant from the truth, from My Church and from
Me. Oh, do not allow yourselves to be led any longer by the enemy; believe in the truth
that is being revealed to you and walk in the light of this truth.
You, My children, who are outside the Catholic Church, should realize that you are not
excluded from My fatherly love. I am making this tender appeal to you because you too are
My children. If you have lived up to now in the devil's snares, acknowledge that he has
cheated you. Come to Me, your Father, and I will receive you with joy and love!
And you, who only know the religion in which you have grown up, and that religion is not
the true one, open your eyes. Here is your Father, He Who created you and Who wants to
save you. I come to you to bring you the truth and salvation. I can see that you do not
know Me and do not realize that all I want is for you to know Me as your Father, Creator
and Saviour. It is because of this ignorance that you cannot love Me. Understand, there-
fore, that I am not as far from you as you think.
How could I leave you alone after having created you and adopted you through My love? I
follow you everywhere, I protect you always, so that everything may become a confirmation
of My great liberality towards you, in spite of your forgetfulness about My infinite
goodness. This forgetfulness makes you say: "Nature provides us with everything, it
makes us live and die." This is the time of grace and light. Recognize, then, that I
am the only true God!
In order to give you real happiness in this life and in the next, I want you to do what I
am suggesting to you in this light. The time is propitious, do not lose this love which is
being offered to your hearts so tangibly. I ask everyone to take part in the Holy Mass
according to the liturgy; this pleases Me greatly! Later on I will suggest some short
prayers to you, but I do not want to overburden you! The most important thing will be to
honour Me as I told you, by establishing a feast in My honour and serving Me with the
simplicity of true children of your God, Father, Creator and Saviour of the human race.
Here is another proof of My fatherly love for men. My children, I will not speak to you
about the whole greatness of My infinite love, because you have only to open the holy
books, to look at the crucifix, the tabernacle and the Blessed Sacrament, to realize the
extent to which I have loved you!
Nevertheless, in order to show you that you need to satisfy My will for you and to make Me
better known and loved, I wish, before ending these words, which only set out the basis of
My work of love among men, to point out to you some of the innumerable proofs of My love
for you!
As long as man does not live in the truth, he cannot taste real freedom. You, My children,
think you have joy and peace, you who are outside the true law, for obedience to which I
created you. But deep in your hearts you feel that you have neither true peace nor true
joy and that you do not enjoy the true freedom of the One Who created you and is your God
and Father!
But you, who abide in the true law, or rather, who have promised to follow the law that I
gave you to ensure your salvation, have let vice lead you into evil. You have strayed from
the law by behaving badly. Do you think you are happy? No. You feel that your hearts are
not at ease. Do you suppose that, looking for pleasure and other human joys, your hearts
will finally be satisfied? No. Let Me tell you, you will never feel truly free nor truly
happy until you recognize Me as your Father and submit to My yoke, to be true children of
God, your Father.
Why? Because I created you for a single purpose, to know Me, love Me and serve Me, as a
simple and trusting child serves its father!
Once, in the Old Testament, men behaved like animals, they did not preserve any sign of
their dignity as children of God, their Father. So to make them realize that I wanted to
raise them to the great dignity of God's children, I sometimes had to show Myself as
dreadfully severe. Later, when I saw some of them were endowed with sufficient reason to
understand, eventually, that it was necessary to distance themselves from the animals, I
then began to lavish benefits on them, to give them victory over those who were still
unable to recognize and preserve their own dignity.
And as they were increasing in number, I sent My Son to them. He was adorned with all the
divine perfections because He was the Son of a perfect God. It was He Who showed them the
ways to perfection. Through Him I adopted you in My infinite love, as real children. Since
then I have never called you simply "creatures", but children".
I clothed you in the true spirit of the new law which not only distinguishes you from
animals, like the men of the old law, but raises you above those men of the Old Testament.
I raised you all to the dignity of children of God. Yes, you are My children and you must
tell Me that I am your Father. But trust in Me as children do, because without this trust
you will never be truly free.
Everything I am saying to you is intended to make you realize that I come to carry out
this work of love, to give you powerful help to cast off the tyrannical slavery which
imprisons your souls, and to let you enjoy real freedom, whence real happiness comes.
Compared with this freedom, all earthly joys are as nothing. Raise yourselves to the
dignity of children of God and learn how to respect your own greatness. I will then be
your Father more than ever, the most lovable and merciful of fathers.
I have come to bring peace with this work of love. I will let a ray of peace fall upon
anyone who honours Me and trusts in Me, so that he will be relieved in all his troubles,
all his worries, sufferings and afflictions, especially if he calls Me and loves Me as his
Father. If families honour Me and love Me as their Father, I will give them My peace
together with My providence. If workers,businessmen and artisans invoke and honour Me, I
will give them My peace and My strength, I will show Myself to be the good and merciful
Father. If each Christian community invokes and honours Me, I will give it My peace, I
will show Myself to be a most loving Father, and through My power I will ensure the
eternal salvation of souls.
If all mankind invokes and honours Me, I will bring down upon it the spirit of peace like
a benevolent dew.
If all nations, as such, invoke and honour Me, there will be no more discord, nor wars,
because I am the God of peace and where I am, there no war can be.
Do you wish to gain victory over your enemy? Call upon Me and you will triumph over him.
Finally, you know that I can do everything because of My power. Well, I am offering this
power to all of you, to use now and for eternity. I will always show Myself to be your
Father, provided that you show yourselves to be My children.
What do I desire to achieve with this work of love, if not to find hearts able to
understand Me?
I am the holiness of which I possess the perfect and full expression; I offer you this
holiness, of which I am the Author, through My Holy Spirit, and I instill it in your souls
through My Son's merits. It is through My Son and the Holy Spirit that I am coming to you
and into you, and it is in you that I seek My repose.
To some souls, the words "I am coming into you" will seem a mystery, but it is
not a mystery! Because, having instructed My Son to institute the Holy Eucharist, I
intended to come to you every time you receive the Sacred Host!
Of course, nothing prevented Me from coming to you even before the eucharist, as nothing
is impossible to Me! But receiving this Sacrament is an action that is easy to understand
and it shows how I come to you!
When I am in you, I can more easily give you what I possess, provided that you ask Me for
it. Through this Sacrament you are intimately united with Me. It is in this intimacy that
the outpouring of My love makes My holiness spread into your souls.
I fill you with My love, then you have only to ask Me for the virtues and perfection you
need and you can be sure that in those moments when God is reposing in His creatures,
nothing will be refused you.
Since you know My favourite place of rest, are you not going to offer Me it? I am your
Father and your God; will you dare refuse Me this? Oh, do not let Me suffer because of
your cruelty towards a Father Who is asking you for this one favour for Himself.
Before ending this message, I want to express a wish to numerous souls who are consecrated
to My service. You, priests and religious, are those souls. You are dedicated to My
service, whether in the contemplative life or in charitable and apostolic works. For My
part, this is a privilege granted through My goodness; for your part, it is faithfulness
to your vocation, together with your good will.
This is My desire: you who find it easier to understand what I expect of mankind, pray to
Me, so that I will be able to accomplish My work of love in all souls. You know all the
difficulties that have to be overcome to win a soul! Well, this is the effective means of
helping you to bring a great number of them to Me: this means is that of making Me known,
loved and honoured by men.
I want you to be the first ones to start doing this. What joy for Me to enter first the
houses of priests and religious! What joy to find Myself, as Father, amid the children of
My love! With you I will converse as with intimate friends! I will be for you the most
discreet of confidants! I will be everything to you, I will satisfy all your needs! Most
of all, I will be the Father Who receives your requests, Who lavishes His love, His
benefits and His universal tenderness upon you.
Do not refuse Me this joy which I desire to enjoy with you! I will give it back to you a
hundredfold and, since you will honour Me, I will honour you too, by preparing great glory
for you in My kingdom!
I am the light of lights: where it penetrates there will be life, bread and happiness.
This light will illumine the pilgrim, the sceptic, the ignorant. It will illumine you all;
0 men who live in this world of darkness and vice. If you did not have My light, you would
fall into the abyss of eternal death!
Finally, this light will lighten the ways which lead to the true Catholic Church for its
poor children who are still victims of superstition. I will show Myself as a Father to
those who suffer most on earth, the poor lepers.
I will show Myself to be the Father of all those who are abandoned, the outcasts of every
human society. I will show Myself as a Father to the afflicted, the sick, and above all,
to those who are in agony. I will show Myself as a Father to all families, to orphans,
widows, prisoners, workers and the young. I will show Myself as the Father of kings, the
Father of their nations. You will all feel My goodness and My protection, you will all see
My power!
My fatherly and divine blessing on everyone.
Especially to My Son and Representative. Amen!
Especially to My son, the bishop. Amen!
Especially to My son, your spiritual father.
Especially to My daughters, your mothers. Amen!
To all the congregation of My love. Amen!
To all the Church and to all the clergy. Amen!
A very special blessing to the Church in
Amen! Amen!