My dear child, I want you to meditate on the image of the potter and clay.
I am the Lord your God, your Creator, the one who gathered dust from the earth and breathed life into you.
First of all you must acknowledge that I have created you, I have given you shape in body, mind and soul, I have breathed my Spirit into you and I own you.
As the clay behaves before the potter; helpless, unworthy, mute and without a voice, so must you behave before my Will.
You must submit totally to my desires because my designs are heavenly designs even though they are earthly, my Ways are above your ways, my thoughts are above your thoughts; so who can be like me?, who can advise me?, who can find fault in my creations?, who can have a voice before me?
The Heavenly Father:
I have made you as you are and you have no power to change anything. I have given you my Spirit so that you may be liberated from the bondage of your sins through the sacrifice of my Son Jesus Christ.
Remain as humble as the clay is to the potter because you are nothing but dust, remain in my Spirit and be free in my Love.
Remain always faithful and trust in me. It is in your littleness that you discover my greatness.
I bless you my little earthen vessel containing my Spirit..
Messages from God the Father