Messages from Mary Our Lady - The Blessed Virgin Mary
SPIRITUAL CONSOLATIONS - Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father

Mensajes de Jesús, María y Dios el Padre - SPIRITUAL CONSOLATIONS  503   8/27/1996   SPIRITUAL CONSOLATIONS

The Blessed Virgin Mary:
My dear child, you know that the Peace of the Lord is in your heart as a sign of His Presence. You know that the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus is very real because you have experienced it several times in a mystical way. You know many things about the reality of the Spirit of the Lord because through my Grace you have been favoured in such special ways.
Faith is not to be based on any phenomenon but on the firm belief of the testimony of God through His Word and by the tradition of the Church.
Faith allows Hope to grow and then Love comes firmly to dwell in hearts, Love manifests itself in many ways and some of them are spiritual consolations.
The soul must not hunger for them because it must practice spiritual poverty and because the devil is always ready to infuse deceptions that are very dangerous to the spiritual welfare.
You must keep your eyes gazed on the Lord and if anything is felt or given to you which is out of the ordinary, praise and thank the Lord and consecrate everything to the safety of my Immaculate Heart, I will always be your protection against the deceit of the devil. Trust me my child and do not despise the promptings of the Holy Spirit. I bless you.

Messages from Our Lady

Received by Joseph of Jesus and Mary
The Work of God Apostolate
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father mjm©#503


The Work of God

 Messages of Our Lady - The Blessed Virgin Mary  - SPIRITUAL CONSOLATIONS