from Mary Our Lady -
The Blessed Virgin Mary
Daily devotions for a particular person, living or deceased. (*).
The Blessed Virgin Mary:
My dear child, to love is to give yourself totally to the beloved.
I ask you today to give yourself totally to the body of Christ the Church.
I want you to pray for everyone, but I request that you put aside special devotions daily for a particular soul (*). This way you will be giving yourself to the Lord by practicing Charity.
My child, how important it is to care for others; please let your love be manifest as you make yourself responsible for a soul daily.
As time will go by, you will accumulate a beautiful treasure in Heaven and you will grow in many ways and have abundant graces poured over your life and the life of the ones you pray for.
Start today my child. Choose a soul and live for that soul today.
Follow these very important instructions my child and you will glorify the Kingdom of God even with your humble efforts.
I bless you my child.