Rejoice my son, you are in my Presence, rejoice my son you have Me in the Blessed Eucharist, rejoice my child you are at my table enjoying my Kingdom.
You glorify Me by listening to my word and by keeping it, by listening to my words that transmit Faith and Life, by obeying my precepts and being faithful to Me.
You glorify Me daily as you come to receive Me during the Holy Mass in the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. You glorify Me daily when you go through my life in all the mysteries of the Holy Rosary, you glorify Me daily when you pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy and meditate on my Merciful Love, you glorify Me when you get up early in the morning to seek my Presence and to worship Me. You glorify Me in any effort that you make to please Me, no matter how small.
Blessed are those who listen to my Word.
Many only listen to themselves and to the world, they reject my Kingdom, I keep calling them but they are too busy, they keep me crucified with their sins, they ignore my Love.
I call everyone to be merciful, just and upright, like Me your perfect model, your Master.