Today I want to speak to you on how to consecrate yourself to my Mother.
I want you to come very humbly before her and surrender everything that you are to her.
Entrust all the love that you feel for me to her. Entrust all your material and spiritual possessions to her. Entrust all the Love that I feel for you to her Immaculate Heart.
She is your Mother.
I, the Lord, your God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, The Word of God found no worthier place for my Incarnation than the Sacred Womb of Mary my Blessed Mother.
Because of her Humility and all her virtues, She has been dignified as the Custodian of the Grace of God.
When you give yourself to my Mother you are safe, you are cared by the Maternal Love of God, you glorify the Holy Trinity by coming to their Sacred Temple.
Come to my temple to worship God. Trust in my Mother.
She will help you live your Act of Consecration that will bring you to live a perfect Christian Life, a life in perfect union with God.
Come to her as a little baby comes to his Mother, to be nurtured and cared for, to be protected, to be taught, to be consoled.
Come dear child to my Mother to become a true child of God.