I will always speak to you daily, as I take you along the path of my Will. Do not neglect the first and most important commandment, "You shall have no other gods before me".
So you must love your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and with all your strength.
To love me with all your heart is to let your heart beat only for me, it is to keep in your heart only purity and virtue.
To love me with all your mind is to think only what I think, it is to meditate on my law, to meditate on how to please me all the time, it is to think with my own mind.
To love me with all your soul and with all your strength is to live just for me, to empty yourself of everything that is not of God.
I emptied myself for you on the cross, to show you how much I love you, now you can pay your debt of thanksgiving by emptying yourself for me, to allow me to fill you with my Love.
As you do this, we will have a very strong spiritual union, so that we will become One.