I was awakened by the Lord with this message in the middle of the night.
My dear child, the reason why I speak to you now is the urgency of the times in which you are living.
I have placed you in the middle of the greatest spiritual battle between the forces of good and evil.
You are one of my little soldiers and your job is to listen to me, to pray and to act accordingly.
If you could only perceive the damage that you are inflicting upon our enemies, you would redouble your prayers.
I have made my Mother the Powerful Leader of the Heavenly Armies, which are at the command of Saint Michael the Archangel.
My child, rejoice that you have been chosen to fight on my side and pray for perseverance until the very end.
We are with you in every prayer, in every act of Love and in your desires for the Kingdom of Heaven,
Never give up my child, the final victory is approaching, my blessings to you and to everyone who is on my side. Amen.