The Heavenly Father:
My child, do not put me to the test as the Israelites did at Meriba, they doubted my existence even though I had rescued them from the slavery of the Egyptians, they sinned against me with their pride.
Whenever you doubt you are weak in your faith and it is a sin. My first testimony is my creation, my second testimony is my Son Jesus your Salvation, my third testimony is the Holy Spirit that has filled everyone with natural virtues to make you able to discern between good and evil, between darkness and light, between the world and God.
Do not put me to the test by your doubts; do not put me to the test by breaking my commandments. Even if it is a slight sin against me, it is the door to bigger sins, so I ask you to reject sin in all its forms, because it separates you from me.
Allow me instead to put you to the test daily as you obey the commandments of my Will.
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father