My dear child, just as you contemplate today the feast of the Annunciation, celebrate joyfully in your heart the fact that heavenly words have been also whispered into your soul.
It was because of the Humility, the Purity and the perfection of all the virtues, that my mother was the worthy tabernacle where my Incarnation took place.
It is also by your humility and contrition that you become a worthy tabernacle to receive and bear my Word, which is Spirit and Truth.
The Mystery of the Incarnation is the mystery of your God who has come to dwell among you, “Emmanuel“, which means God with us, yes “God with you”.
Yes, I have come to dwell in your heart and in every heart that opens humbly to my Incarnation in the Spirit.
Stay humble my child, and stay always in my Presence.
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father