The Blessed Virgin Mary:
My dear child, I am your Mother of Peace. I bless you and those around you with the gift of my Peace.
My gift is Jesus your Saviour who brings you to Peace by reconciling you with the Heavenly Father.
Peace comes when you feel that you have no debt to pay for your sins, because Jesus has bought you from the slavery of sin at the cost of His Precious Life Blood.
I bring Peace to every heart because I bring you to Jesus; I take you by the hand, I wash the wounds of your souls with repentance and I bring you before Jesus in a worthy manner.
I take away your pride and I give you a share in my humility thus making you worthy temples of the Holy Spirit.
My dear children; receive my gift of Peace in your hearts, let it be the sign that I your Heavenly Mother am working in your souls.
Peace, Love, and Joy from Heaven be with you all.
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father