The Blessed Virgin Mary:
My dear child; today, know that I am in God and that God is in me in a very unique and powerful way. Ponder daily this Holy Mystery, that God is Holiness and Perfection and that I your Heavenly Mother am the reflection of the attributes of God.
God is God and who can be like Him? He is beyond human and spiritual description because He is the causeless cause, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning of all things; the Supreme Will that moves the universe.
My great privilege is your gift to you who love God, I take care of you my beloved children consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, I call upon the Holy Spirit to breathe upon you His wind of life.
I stand by my daughter the church, to comfort her, to teach her and to protect her from evil.
Rest confidently in the Power of my Immaculate Heart. I bless you my child.
Messages from Jesus, Mary and God the Father