Saint Malachy
Prophecies about 112 popes until the end of the world.
The Church does not lean on private revelation for doctrinal matters, but
it does not oppose to the faithful obtaining benefit from them so long as
they don't go against our faith.
analysis focuses on the last five Popes in the context of the prophecies of
Saint Malachy.
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Malachy was born in Amagh Ireland in 1094, he lived a religious life as a
monk, then he was ordained priest and finally Bishop. He was canonized in
1199 by Pope Clement III. His biography was compiled by Saint Bernard, a contemporaneous
made a pilgrimage to Rome and during the end of the year 1139 and the
beginning of 1140 had a series of visions about 112 Popes from Celestine
III, elected Pontiff in 1130 until the last Pope who is described in his
list as Peter Romanus.
the last Roman Pontiff, Saint Malachy predicts the end of the world.
Benedictine historian Arnold Wion was the first person to mention these
prophecies in his book Lignum Vitae, published in 1559.
prophecies are short, but they have demonstrated to be very accurate, even
though in the time of their publication they caused much controversy as some
claimed that they were falsified.
book of prophecies of Saint Malachy was published originally in 1969 by
Colin Smythe Ltd. in England, with the title "Prophecies of St.
Malachy and St. Columbkille."
Books published the book in the United States in 1973 with the title
"Prophecies of Saint Malachy" its author is Peter Bander.
foreword reads like this:
publishing THE PROPHECIES OF SAINT MALACHY, Colin Smythe Limited have
produced an instructive and entertaining book.
is great deal of instant information in Peter Bander's nutshell
biographical accounts of the popes who occupied the Roman See since the
year 1143 to our present time - and indeed of the antipopes as well. The
remarkable way in which the visions St Malachy is alleged to have had, are
shown to apply to the succesive individual popes is most amusing. Is it
not the case to repeat: "Se non e vero, e ben trovato"? (If it
is not true, it is well rhymed)
one may think of the genuineness of the prophecies attributed to Saint
Malachy, here is a fascinating study which provides the curious reader
with much profit and pleasure.
H.E. Cardinale
Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium and Luxemburg, until recently Apostolic
Delegate to Great Britain.
is curious to think that whenever there is a Conclave, the Cardinals read
these prophecies of the saint, and even though they are not ecclesiastic
authority they give an idea of what has happen and of what is
to occur.
Prophecies of Saint Malachy
study is an analysis based on private revelation and observations of what
is taking place now. It is not to be taken as an official position of the Church. It is good
to remind us of the words of the Lord: "stay awake."
last five popes are mentioned with the following titles:
medietate Lunae
Labore Solis
Florum - Flower
of flowers
Paul VI
Pontiff from 1963 to 1978.
Battista Montini. In his coat of arms there are three "fleurs de lis"
With great success he concluded Vatican Council II, he made rigorous
reforms to the Roman Curia, he traveled the five continents and was called
peregrine pope . In 1965 he was well received and accepted at his
address to the UN. Author of the encyclicals opulorum
progressio (1967), Humanae vitae July 24, 1968. He died in August 6, 1978,
feast of the Transfiguration.
medietate Lunae - Of
the half moon
Juan Pablo I ' Abino Luciani
for 33 days.
was born on 17 of October 1912 in Forno di Canale, called now Canale de
Agordo, he was baptized the same day by his midwife, for fear of his
death, he was later baptized by a priest.
a life dedicated to the Church as a priest, he was elected Pope during the
second day of the Conclave in
August 26, 1978. He died of cardiac attack in September 28 1978, thirty
three days after the beginning of his papacy.
"De la media luna" Of the half moon is a very accurate
description regarding his beginning and also his short pontificate. Even
his name Abino Luciani means white light, it has been mentioned that the
most important events of his life took place in dates of half moon.
Labore Solis - From
the toil of the sun - or - Of the eclipse of the sun.
John Paul II
from 1978 to 2005
description fits John Paul II perfectly, since he emerged as a especial
light for the Catholic Church, promoting the faith from all angles. The
works of John Paul II were truly the work of God, the labor of the sun.
The second meaning of "De labore solis" is a solar eclipse,
in which the sun seems to struggle in order to give its light. Perhaps the
fact that John
Paul II, was a very
Marian Pope who had a special devotion to the Virgin Mary,
the woman clothed with the sun that appears in the Apocalypse, suggests
that the sun of Justice (Our Lord) has done his work shining on Mary (Our
Paul II was a great humanist and peacemaker, a traveler Pope, proclaimer of
the gospel in more than 130 countries throughout the world, author of many
apostolic letters, encyclicals and books. Canonizer of more saints
in his pontificate than any other Pope in all history. During his last
years as Pope he concluded his pontificate proclaiming the Holy Trinity,
the Virgin Mary and the Eucharist.
Year 1997. God the Son
Year 1998. God the Holy Spirit
Year 1999. God the Father
Year 2000
24 December 1999 - 6 January 2001Great Jubilee.
Year 2002-2003. Year of the Holy Rosary, institution of the Luminous mysteries.16 October 2002 - 31 October 2003
Year 2005. The Holy Eucharist.
17 October 2004 - 29 October 2005
Olivae - The
Glory of the olive
Joseph Ratzinger
Starts Pontificate in April 2005
He chose his name in honor of Saint Benedict, author of the very strict
rule of the Benedictines.
motto is "Co-worker of the Truth."
has been known even before becoming Pope as a conservative man, ready to
defend the Catholic principles that represent the truth of the teachings
of Christ.
new Pontiff is covered under the sign of the olive according to the
prophecies of St. Malachy
The branches of the olive were symbols of peace and victory for Noah
after the flood. Throughout history, we know that olive branches have made
crowns for kings and athletes as symbols of power and glory. The olive
tree thrives in silent areas, such as the garden of olives where Jesus
suffered his agony before being arrested by the soldiers.
oil has anointed kings, saints, popes and in a especial way all
leaves and the oil of the olive tree have medicinal properties, derived
from the oleic acid which is an anti cancer component. The good kitchen
cannot exist without olive oil. The best paints have olive oil base, to give
them luster and to increase their durability.
olive is a symbol of peace, abundance, glory and purification.
Church has been through a period of light, and now is the the time to
celebrate and pick up the fruits of the previous pontificate of John Paul.
It is quite possible that they will bring many conversions and an increase
in the faith especially from the young people.
the purifying properties of the olive, our new Pontiff comes to challenge
error. He presents himself exposing the truth of our faith with a
special courage, he is prepared to heal the cancer of heresy, the
infection of apostasy and to promote the health of our Catholic faith.
to the prophecies of Saint Malachy, Pope Benedict XVI is the Pope before
the last one, named "Gloria Olivae"
which means the glory of the olive, it is to be a time of glory and
rejoicing for the true Church.
to the straightforwardness of our new Pontiff, great opposition is
expected, but the Spirit of God is with him and we are in good hands.
Romanus - Peter Roman
apostle Peter was the first Pope of the Church, elected directly by our Lord
Jesus Christ:
You are
Peter, the rock. On this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell will
not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom, whatever you
bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loose
in Heaven. (Matthew 16:18-19)
the same as Christ, drank of the same chalice of suffering when he died as
a martyr.
body of Christ, the Church represents our Lord Jesus Christ.

last two pontiffs will have to face the fury of the enemy who will make a
violent persecution to Christianity. Faithful as Peter, the last Pontiff
will take care of his flock in the midst of the attacks of the
Thessalonians 3-4 speaks of the apostasy of the last times before the
second coming of Christ, when evil will be defying everything that is
sacred. The man of iniquity, or the anti-Christ will take his seat in
the temple of God.
This does not necessarily means the embodiment of the devil but if could
mean the evil that is being accepted broadly when human beings who are
temples of the spirit of God are being desecrated by their own
as the Lord lived, taught us, gave us spiritual food and saved us by his
death on the cross, the Church being the mystical body of Christ has a
similar task. Therefore the church is to be persecuted, insulted and finally crucified, in
preparation for the coming of the Lord.
just as the Lord rose after his death, the Church will also be resurrected for the Glory of God.
one knows the day nor the hour, but the Lord tells us to be ready.
The prophecies
of Saint Malachy end like this:
the persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will reign Peter the
Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations after which the
seven hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the
John Paul II - Life of Christ
Benedicto XVI