Seventh word on the cross
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
Lord Jesus, your life on earth is about to expire, your heart is going to give its last heartbeat, you have depleted the treasure of your holy humanity on the cross, and with your last breath, you say to the Father:
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
Father, into your hands I place my soul which contains all souls; I place all my children now in your hands because my life as a human being on this earth has come to the end. I have redeemed them and now I go into your Glory. I have given them the treasure of my humanity so that they can enter into our divinity, I have made the bridge between the dust of this earth and the light of Heaven, my death now opens the doors of Heaven to everyone.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit, and now I say my final word to all souls.
My dear soul, you have been exonerated of all you sins with my sacrificial offering on the cross, now you must respond to the Divine Mercy of God that has offered you divine blood to cleanse the filth of your soul. All you have to do is to look at my suffering and accept my sacrifice on the cross for you, give up your pride and repent of your sins, come humbly to my Throne of Mercy, and be restored for Eternal Life, because by my Holy Wounds I heal you. Furthermore, as you experience my forgiveness, dwell on your guilt and make reparation constantly, so that you may purify your soul completely; let my sacramental blood purify you, detach your self from the things of this world, be generous, give alms, and have your soul ready to meet me at the door of eternity.
Do not be afraid to place your existence in the hands of your Father, after all what you will receive is a blessing for surrendering to the Divine Will. Then, say daily to me and to the Father, Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
Say, Father, into your hands I commend my soul, purify it with your light and let me experience your blessing. Remove the dark cloud of my indifference, my resistance to your Will, my sinfulness, and my guilt.
Say, Father, into your hands I commend my life, let me experience death to all my human attachments, and even to my own individuality so that I can enter into You, and become One with You. I in You, and You in me.
Say, Father, into your hands I commend my heart, cleanse it and purify it so that it serves you as your Throne, your altar, your earthly dwelling, so that You may be pleased entering into this little temple made with your hands for the purpose of your Glory. Help me to cast out all those demons and false idols that I had once enthroned in your holy altar, when I was a prisoner of sin. Fortify your temple with Grace, so that I may always be alert and never let any temptation of the devil, the world, or the flesh, posses what belongs to You. I am yours Father, I give myself totally to You, I surrender my life to You, united to the life of Jesus on the cross during His last moment.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
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