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Surrender to the Divine Will – Novena. Father Dolindo Ruotolo  (Capuchin) - Treasury of Prayers, Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions Surrender to the Divine Will – Novena. Father Dolindo Ruotolo (Capuchin)

Author: Father Dolindo Ruotolo (Capuchin)
Surrender to the Divine Will – Novena. Father Dolindo Ruotolo  (Capuchin) - Treasury of Prayers, Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions

An every day novena.
Surrender to the Divine Will – Novena. Father Dolindo Ruotolo (Capuchin)
Author: Father Dolindo Ruotolo (Capuchin)
Novena of total surrender to Jesus

Dialogue of Jesus with Father Dolindo, contemporary with Padre Pio
I do not want to distress myself, my God, I trust in You!
Take care of everything
Jesus speaks to the soul:

Day 1
Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying?
Leave all your affairs to me, and everything will turn out in complete peace for you. I tell you truly that every true, blind act of complete surrender to me achieves the effect you desire and resolves all difficult situations for you.
Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Day 2
Surrendering to me does not mean being anxious, upset, or losing hope, nor does it mean offering me a worried prayer asking me to follow you and change your worry into prayer.
Worrying, being nervous, and desiring to think about the consequences of anything are against total surrender, deeply against it.
It's like the confusion children feel when they ask their mothers for help with their needs, and then try to solve them themselves, causing their childish efforts to interfere with maternal help.
Surrendering means peacefully closing the eyes of the soul, distancing oneself from thoughts of tribulation, and placing yourself under my care.
Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Day 3
How many things I do when the soul approaches me in so much spiritual and material need, looks at me, and says, "Take care of this," then closes its eyes and rests.
In pain, you pray for me to act, but you want me to act in the way you want. You do not approach me with faith; rather, you want me to adapt to your ideas.
You are not sick people asking the doctor to cure you; rather, you are sick people telling the doctor how to cure you.
So, do not act in this way; instead, pray as I taught you in the Our Father:
"Hallowed be thy Name," that is, may you be glorified in my need.
"Thy Kingdom come," that is, may everything within us and in the world be in accordance with your Kingdom.
"Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven," that is, in our need, Lord, decide as you see fit for our temporal and eternal life.
If you truly say to me:
"Thy will be done," which is the same as saying to me:
"Take care of everything,"
I will intervene with all my omnipotence and resolve the most difficult situations.
Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Day 4
Do you see that evil is growing instead of fading away?
Do not worry, close your eyes, and say to me with faith: "Thy will be done, Lord, take care of everything."
I tell you that I will take care of anything and that I will intervene like a doctor, and I will perform miracles when they are needed.
Do you see that the sick person is getting worse? Do not worry, close your eyes, and say, "Lord, take care of this."
I tell you that I will take care of any situation and that there is no medicine more powerful than my loving intervention.
Out of my love, I promise you this.
Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Day 5
And when I must lead you down a different path than the one you see, I will prepare you; I will carry you in my arms; and I will let you find yourselves on the other side of the river, like children who have fallen asleep in their mothers' arms.
What deeply troubles and wounds you are your reason, your thoughts, and worry, and also that desire to resolve at any cost what afflicts you.
Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Day 6
You cannot sleep because you want to judge everything, direct all things, and do everything, so you surrender yourselves to human strength, or worse, - to men themselves, trusting in their intervention, - this is what prevents you from receiving my words and what I offer you.
Oh, how I desire this true surrender, to help you. And how I suffer when I see you so agitated.
Satan tries to do exactly this: to stir you up and remove you from my protection and throw you into the clutches of human initiative.
So, trust only in me, rest in me, surrender yourselves to me in all things.

Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Day 7
I work miracles in proportion to your total surrender to me and the way you do not think of yourselves.
I sow treasures of graces when you are in the deepest poverty.
No person of reason, or thinker, has ever been able to perform miracles, not even among the saints. But the one who surrenders to God performs divine works.
So, do not think anymore, because the mind is sharp and it is very difficult for you to see evil and at the same time trust in me and forget yourselves.
Do this for all your needs, do it all of you, and you will see great silent and continuous miracles.
I will take care of all things, I promise you.
Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Day 8
Close your eyes and let yourselves be carried away by the flow of the current of my grace; close your eyes and do not think of the present, distance your thoughts from the future as if you were from temptation.
Rest in me, believing in my goodness, and I promise you by my love, that if you say "Lord, take care of this," I will take care of everything; I will comfort you, free you, and guide you.
Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Day 9
Pray always ready to surrender to me, and you will receive from this great peace and great rewards, even when I grant you the grace of self-immolation, repentance, and love.
So, what will suffering matter to you? Does it seem impossible to you? Close your eyes and say with all your soul, "Jesus, take care of everything."
Do not be afraid, I will take care of all things, and you will bless my name for having humbled yourselves.
A thousand prayers cannot equal a single act of surrender, remember this very well.
There is no more effective novena than this:
Prayer 10 times... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!

Most Holy Mother, I am yours now and forever. Through you and with you, I want to always belong completely to Jesus.
Prayer 10 times ... O Jesus. I surrender myself totally to you. Take care of everything!
Jesus, take care of everything
Abandonment to the Divine Will achieves a perfect union of the soul with the Almighty. The following is a Prayer that we can pray daily to achieve our abandonment to Heavenly Providence.

Surrender to the Divine Will - Daily Prayer

Total surrender prayer

Surrender Novena download PDF
The soul distances itself from God with worry, because it gives power to the things of the world more than to God.
Message about Peace VIDEO, so that we can make a total surrender to the Lord.

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 Treasury of Prayers - Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions - Surrender to the Divine Will – Novena. Father Dolindo Ruotolo (Capuchin)