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I thirst - Treasury of Prayers, Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions I thirst

Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary
I thirst - Treasury of Prayers, Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions

Fifth word on the cross
I thirst
Oh my Jesus, I suffer to hear that you are thirsty, and I feel so useless before such painful sight. Yet; I need to understand what you are experiencing, and at the same time, what you want me to do.
Your body is suffering the bitterest agony; you have lost so much blood that your whole body is almost dry of the liquid of life. The fire of your love has been burning in your soul and drying up your body as well. You who are the eternal fountain of living water (John 4:14), who offered this water to the Samaritan woman to quench her thirst forever, feel now the drought of your entire humanity.

I thirst
The fountain of living water in my humanity is drying up because of my passion, I am pouring this out in the form of all my sufferings because I have to irrigate this world with the water of my Grace, and I thirst as I reach out this impoverished and dry spiritual land with my sacrifice. I thirst for the love of all souls to quench the thirst of my soul; I am not so concerned about my physical thirst, but the thirst of my soul. As I am the Eternal fountain or Living Water, I desire to drink all souls and make them a part of me. When I leave this earth, I want to take with me all souls into everlasting life.
I thirst for your love, would you satisfy my thirst by loving me and accepting the sacrifice of my love for you?
I thirst for your will, would you give up your evil ways and come back to me so that you may quench my thirst?
I thirst for your eternal happiness in me, I can see how you suffer in your life and I would like to bless you if you satisfy my thirst.
I thirst, please do not give me the vinegar of your indifference and resistance to my Will.
I thirst, if you could give me at least one drop of your tears of repentance, I would be so satisfied.
I suffer so much because I see you thirsting for the poison of the evil one, who has deceived so many souls with the black waters of his well of death.
I thirst, but I am still the fountain of Living Water, come and drink from this well, become like a little drop of water and come to be lost in the infinite ocean of my Grace.

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 Treasury of Prayers - Catholic inspirations, meditations, reflexions - I thirst