Sixth word on the cross.
All is consummated, all is accomplished.
With this exclamation, which comes from your dying humanity, you tell the Father how you have exhausted all your human capacity to suffer in your body, mind and soul for the sake of all human souls.
You have wounds covering your entire body, some penetrate deep into your bones, and your skin has been removed to open way for the atrocious wounds caused by our sins. Most of your Precious Blood has been shed as a fountain that is drying up. You are God, still powerful and omnipotent, but you have surrendered your sacred humanity to the Father up to the point that every thing is consummated, all is accomplished for the eternal destiny of the human race.
You have perfected your holy offering in every detail; there remains no part outside or inside your sacred body, which has not been subject to the cruellest punishment.
All is consummated, all is accomplished.
I suffered infinitely for the infinite number of souls, I paid for all their sins, and I have accomplished the redemption of all humankind. There is nothing else to do Father, so I am ready to go back to Your Glory.
Now I speak to every soul:
I have consummated my entire humanity, united to my divinity, for you my dear soul, what can you give me in return. Are you ready to change your life for me and make reparation for these cruel torments that I suffered for you? I am not asking you to climb high mountains, or to do impossible things, I only want your heart, so that I can live in you. I want you to accept me in your life as your personal Saviour and Lord, that way I can accomplish in your life the desires of my heart. When I was dying on the cross, I went through your entire life; I paid for each one of your sins personally, just as I paid equally for every human being, past, present and future. Understand that you are very dear to me, you cost me so much, just imagine that I died for you alone and you will understand the depths of my love for you. My sacrifice has been consummated for you, all has been accomplished.
Once you submit your will to my will, once you surrender your humanity to my divinity, once you die to yourself so that I can live in you, only then, I will exclaim to the Father, All is consummated for this soul, now I can be glorified not only in Heaven but on earth.
All is consummated my dear soul, I have done my part and now you have to do yours, start now, do not delay, my Salvation is waiting for you.
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