Prayer requests,
intentions - Catholic Prayers |
Please pray for us! :
Intentions: Nicole |
I am 6 months pregnant.Please pray for my unborn son Leo. I was told that his heart only has 2 chambers instead of 4 and he he has fluid in the brain. Please pray that he is ealthy and whole and God Heals him. 4/4/2007 12:08:03 PM |
Intentions: Sean Adamski |
There is so much to pray for Lord. So many inclinations my heart has to be solved. Please solve them Lord. Please bring my love together. Please answer the prayers of my heart. Please give those people the ability to forgive and forget. Show them the truth Lord. Answer my prayers. Give her strength. 4/4/2007 8:02:59 AM |
Intentions: eleanor |
phils IP: |
4/4/2007 7:06:45 AM |
Intentions: Art |
p;ease pray for us to come into money as we are without or low funds to pay our bills.we are retired and badly need this to live 4/4/2007 7:01:13 AM |
Intentions: Fran |
usa IP: |
Heavenly Father I ask the you and the Holy Mary Mother of God continue to be with me and bless my family as you have been doing. I believe in the power of prayer and I know that you hear me. Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ your only beloved son. Amen. 4/4/2007 6:53:08 AM |
Intentions: Francis |
ireland IP: |
For fast recovery of our friend Joe a.k.a. Bridie Mooney of the George Dublin Ireland. come back to us soon mate! We are waiting for your return. 4/4/2007 5:53:20 AM |
Intentions: Nilu |
Sri Lanka IP: |
Please pray for my marriage, so that my difficult and abusive husband will change his life to be a better person and that he will forget the bitterness against he has for my parents. 4/3/2007 9:31:49 PM |
Intentions: Renzy |
Indonesia IP: |
I pray for my sister, Alice to be fully healed from cancer. 16 April 07 would be her last chemotherapy. Please pray for her. 4/3/2007 8:56:43 PM |
Intentions: ADam Gibson |
For all the needs and intentions of Adam L. Gibson and for repose of the souls of all deceased relatives and friends of Adam L. Gibson 4/3/2007 7:09:31 PM |
Intentions: Patty Carr |
For the wife and child of Christopher Fagan. 4/3/2007 6:34:58 PM |
Intentions: Claretta |
United States IP: |
Please join me in prayer for my first grandchild born 04/23/07 with a club foot. Please pray that he will be delivered from this condition and that God touch the minds and hearts of the medical doctors that they will give him the necessary treatment. All things are possible to him that believes. 4/3/2007 3:05:27 PM |
Intentions: caoimhe |
ireland IP: |
please pray for me as i have my driving theory test in the morning!! thank you Lord! 4/3/2007 12:49:00 PM |
Intentions: Ann |
Pray for Peter and I that we can come together in love and caring for whatever time we have left in our lives. There has been so much tragegy for us both and now through Gods mercy we are together. Pray for Peters emotional healing for his losses. 4/3/2007 12:04:44 PM |
Intentions: Tristram Carlisle |
Dear Lord Jesus, I pray to love you more and more. I pray for healing
for physical and spiritual health. I pray for sleep. I pray to love and
praise you at church with recollection. I pray for this in light of the
demonic attacks I am undergoing. Love, Tristram Carlisle
4/3/2007 11:19:47 AM |
Intentions: Sean |
Develop our family in your name Lord. Unite us in your word and deed. Let us love as you love live as you live, united in your kingdom. Guide Debbie, guide me, together with our child to trust believe and hope in each other. We give our hearts to thee without question, Amen 4/3/2007 7:29:42 AM |
Records 16441 to 16455 of 17405 Previous petitions and intentions |