Prayer requests,
intentions - Catholic Prayers |
Please pray for us! :
Intentions: Anita |
Please pray for the complete healing of Marie's cancer. 2/3/2007 7:52:44 PM |
Intentions: Richard |
usa IP: |
Please pray that my wife can find love in her heart for me again and forgive me and that she can return home to us.Let her see that she is the biggest thing in my life and i love her very much.I have changed my whole life for her please pray for me. 2/3/2007 3:32:55 AM |
Intentions: l.jay |
usa IP: |
My Lord, Jesus Christ, Mother of Perpetual Help and all the saints, I want to thank you for all the blessings that you have given us. Especially blessing my mom to be well. I love you, i trusted you, i believe in you and i always have faith in you. Thank you so much. 2/2/2007 8:39:22 PM |
Intentions: Doris Bradley |
I was accused of something I did not say. I forgive the person who accused me and pray for them. 2/2/2007 3:22:14 PM |
Intentions: Luis |
U S IP: |
Dear Lord, Help me regain my streghth and health so I may continue with my life as before, thank you and may God Bless Us All. 2/2/2007 2:02:26 PM |
Intentions: Susan K |
I just found out that I am pregnant. Please pray that this pregnancy goes well and that I deliver a healthy baby in Sept or Oct of this year. Thank you! 2/2/2007 12:53:11 PM |
Intentions: diana |
usa IP: |
please give me the strength to do the right thing with my finances, and please help my husband love me and be patient and merciful with me as we move through this troubled time in our marriage. i want to grow old with this man, but i know i may have done irreparable damage. please pray for us. 2/2/2007 12:34:17 PM |
Intentions: Barb Brown |
I pray for healing for Josh Hudzik who is 9 years old and was just diagnosed with bone cancer that God will heal him and restore him to health. 2/2/2007 8:37:58 AM |
Intentions: George |
ireland IP: |
please pray for Grellan my father who is unwell.
Dear Lord please care for my father in his hour of need. Amen 2/2/2007 8:33:36 AM |
Intentions: Chris |
please god let my brother recover quickly from his injury, and help him be able to play ball again soon 2/1/2007 10:52:19 PM |
Intentions: Adam Gibson |
For all the needs & intentions of Adam L. Gibson and Terry L. Gibson 2/1/2007 10:31:46 PM |
Intentions: l.jay |
usa IP: |
In the name of our Lord,Jesus Christ,Mother of Perpetual Help, and all the saints, please my mom that she will get well soon. Bless her to be fine, no more stomach ache,no more gas pain,no more canker sore,bless her appetite will be back. Help her to be strong and healthy. Thank you and i love you. 2/1/2007 10:27:40 PM |
Intentions: maria |
australia IP: |
dear lord please grant my wish ,let fred love me and andrew watch over me 2/1/2007 9:09:39 PM |
Intentions: Darlene |
United States IP: |
for the soul of joseph k. edwards. 21 years old and died in a car crash. for joseph's parents,family and friends who have been devasted by this loss. 2/1/2007 10:01:44 AM |
Intentions: merle |
phils. IP: |
Please pray for my son erick that he will be permanent in her job and if its the Lord that he will be accepted in a new job.That his wife Ivy will safely deliver their first child.That my Jewel will always be on top of her class and she will attain her goal in life.Amen. 2/1/2007 4:03:00 AM |
Records 16771 to 16785 of 17405 Previous petitions and intentions |