Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2003

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For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :

 Foustine Ortiz


That the TRUE God strengthen Gabriels mind body and soul, so that the actions he must do that are just, even though he doesnt want to do them have the posotive outcome necessary. That Gabriels mind is blocked permanently from the terrorists uses of occult/technology to acquire info from Gabriel. Gabriel is fighting against the terrorists in America. Via methods he cant disclose "classified". That Gabriels actions get the terrorists dealt with once and for all permanently by GOD and GABRIELS actions GUIDED by GOD for his honor and the victims that will be protected. AMEN.

3/27/2003 7:48:32 PM


usa  IP:

please pray for our troops in Iraq and that my nephew be safe. Pray this war ends soon and our families return home. pray for my and my relationships and for my daughter may she have faith and find someone to share her life with. pray too for R, may his heart be softened towards other races and for M, may he find peace and comfort from his pain and suffering.

3/28/2003 7:26:15 AM


Lebanon  IP:

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. My baby Girl Christina is having many operations in her Intestine, she is only 3 month old, she suffered a lot. I pray for our Heavenly Father and Our Heavenly Mother for her recovery and to protect her and be with her always. I thank you all for sharing your prayers with me, as I pray for all the souls especially who are in need and who are suffering. I thank Our Heavenly Father and Mother for Their Devine Love and Mercy. I pray for my all family in Beirut so that God may keep them safe. And I thank my sister Rita (Riri) whom I love very much for her Intention. I Love you my Sweet Jesus, My Sweet Lord. Marie

3/28/2003 12:54:26 PM


Lebanon  IP:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. My Aunte Izabelle past away one week ago, she suffered from cancer for more then 5 years. she was a beautiful classy lady in and out. She never nagged or complained from anything, even when she was in pain. I will miss her a lot. I pray for Our Lord to save her and have mercy on her Soul. May God Bless Her Soul and Bless all the souls who beileve in his Mercy and Love. I thank you all for praying with me. I love you My Lord and My Savior. Marie

3/28/2003 1:05:41 PM


Australia  IP:

My Father has been unfaithful to my mom for many years, however this years is getting worst. He has another woman. My mom is very stress. Please pray for my Father so he can be faithful to my mom and to God.

3/29/2003 11:00:54 PM



That God pound down hard continously on the people that stold Bobbie R.s land & are involved in truely aiding the theifs by marking him as DECEASED other stuff, & to do it without injuring any of the true bystander vicitms such as Gabriel & others(ambushed) that live next to the theifs now living on that stolen land, the thiefs hit the neighbors with drive by shootings & the like. The innocent victim neighbors dont want anything to do with the theifs since the theifs have killed 3 + people since 98 with weapons just for siding with BOBBY who really is the rightful owner of the land. Many victims living around that land are sick from other things done to them by those murderers and theifs, like possible poisoned water, druggings and the like done by the land theifs. A horrible expert psychic people not worth associating with, you definitely dont make friends with them, unless you want to die, and they do kill. The theifs are using possibly prayer requests and any method "ROSARY, TELEPATHICS" to stay on that land illegally by lying. Some of them think that going to church and asking forgiveness of God gives them the right to stay on that land. It is 55 acres long. They also think that if you steal a car, and get caught after you go to church and ask forgivesness, that it is over and the law should not convict you. We arnt talking petty stuff like a bubble gum now. AMEN.

3/30/2003 12:32:28 AM


Philippines  IP:

Lord, first of all I want to say sorry for the sins I've done. I know you are good to us so you will forgive us in our sins. Second, Lord I am here begging for your help first, please help me to all the challenges in life that you have given me, I know you will not give them all If I can't solve it... Lord, I am not asking for wealth I am praying to you that I can find the right job for me so I can help my family in our financial problems. Second, Please save my family, please give my family an enlightenment. Lord, take them away from any sickness. Take good care of us and please help my father and sister solve their problem, Lord my father needs your guide please guide them. And Last please help me to be a strong person. Thank you for being there always for me and for all of us.. Thank in advance... I love you Lord.

3/30/2003 8:41:02 AM

 Terry Ortiz


We ask God that Whatever Robin, and his friends and others did to Gabriel via there practices is undone. That God heal Gabriel permanently casting out and breaking all the curses and whatever else they did to his mind body and soul via to many methods to mention of the occult/technology/druggs. Gabriel Believes in God, is a normal sinner, but many he knows dont beleive in God, yet they practice spiritual occult stuff like astral projection, channeling, attaching silver cords to a HOST, we are all gods stuff. Gabriel has become a host to as he calls them leeches and wants his freedom from whatever they did to him without his permission or understanding(AMBUSH) permanently. That God himself defeat the true attackers permanently and not Gabriel or his true family or other victims. AMEN.

3/30/2003 10:29:24 PM



Please pray for Diana and George and their situation in taking care of his parents - that they do God's Will, for my mom to be able talk to someone about the rosary, for Kay and her living arrangments, for Ron's health and heart situation, for Bill and his health and heart situation, for my special intentions, for the Holy Father, for my special poor souls. Thank you.

3/31/2003 7:00:05 PM



URGENT!! ... Pray for world peace! God is in complete control of everything and He made it very apparent that Fatima is the only way to world peace! There is only one way to world peace … that the "Act of Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be done exactly as Our Lady of Fatima requested - Pope John Paul II in union with all the Bishops in the world make the specific Consecration at a designed time". There is nothing else that will bring world peace … and only Pope John Paul II and the Bishops in the world have the authority to do it … no one else! It's time for the Third Secret of the Fatima message to be revealed and to stop all this bloodshed in Iraq! Pray the Rosary, if possible, but please pray, pray that the specific Act of Consecration of Russia will be done … SOON!! "Wars are a punishment from God for sin". The World Needs Fatima! Trust me on this one … once the Consecration is done, there will be world peace! May Almighty God and Our Lady of Fatima have mercy on this entire world! Thank you.

4/1/2003 9:08:42 AM


United States  IP:

Please pray for god to bless my friendship with d. for his work to be done here, for a trust and bonding to form and a spiritual door to open for both of us. thanks,

4/1/2003 10:18:30 PM

 Gabby Posing


We ask that God permanently break the Curses & evil prayers and works of satan that were brought against Gabriel. Many are jealous because he is very smart, so they prayed him dumb and wanted him dead or living in the street like a bum & stopped from doing whatever he wanted to do for good. That God set him free of those abominations and there curses permanently without injuring him or his family. Some of the demons that spoke to him aloud called itself "Charlie, Robin, & others", that God defeat all the attacking demons and send them to hell permanently by orders of the priests & ministers on where to send them we ask that you agree that is where they go NOW by Gods hand and that he defeat them permanently. Amen

4/2/2003 12:49:32 AM


usa  IP:

please pray for our troops, May God send his archangels to help them in their battle. God please protect them and bring them home safely.

4/2/2003 7:15:18 AM



Please pray for the end of the Iraq war, conversion for the world, healing for Mary's hip and leg. Thanks.

4/3/2003 10:10:15 PM



*URGENT* Would you please come before the Lord on behalf of a dear teen guy who is dying...possibly even as I write. Hes in hospital. So many ppl r holding their breaths b/c of him. He is only 20 and hasnt met the Lord. I believe its not his time yet. Plz ask for God's will to be done, that his days r lengthened that he may come to find Christ. He tried to commit suicide b/c of the intensity of his troubled heart n his life. He's so lost and without hope...if he dies, everyone's fearing his lil brother will be next. It'll start a chain reaction. Plz pray against it all. Thank you.

4/3/2003 11:38:53 PM

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