Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2003

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :



For a very special intention of m\ne, for healing for my family, for George to have a safe trip, for my family to do God's will, for David's discernment, for Sharon's healing, for John's healing, for Betty, Jim, Brett, Corlene, Judy, for the soul of John who passed away on Mon. Thank you.

8/11/2003 11:03:17 PM

 Maria Elena

Germany  IP:

May the Lord grant healing to Joyce Hendrick as she suffers from cancer.

8/12/2003 3:38:59 AM

 Kathleen Bitmer


Please pray for Lisa, a young woman in the final stages of cancer. She has been away from the church for some time.

8/12/2003 9:05:51 AM

 michael and sharon mccann

united states of america  IP:

dear jesus chris our lord we have had so many failures our health our money our prosperity our relationships oday we are praying for our son dacques mccann he has had so many injyries and disappointments in his relationships in finding love and marriage with a faithful woman we pray you will protect him and guide him to safety health love marriage family and prosperity he has a very sincere soul pls guide him and help him and protect him his girlfriend carla scarpone used him for two years now she is going to law school and all she can think about is haw wonderful it is going to be for her after using our son for two years this is wrong dear jesus please help us and guide and our son dacques mccann i pray these things in the father son and the holy ghost i pray these thing in jesus name to make my son happy healthy and whole thankyou we request your devine intervention love the mccann family

8/12/2003 6:24:23 PM

 mary a holly

usa  IP:

Please pray for me. I am a Christian, but I am seeking the holy spirit to fill me. There are some areas in my life that I must correct to be happy and have peace of mind and a clear conscience. Also I have lost my job after working there for 17 years. My husband is disabled and this was our main support. Please pray that I can find another job soon. I am 60 years old. Pray that our needs will be met and that the Lord will direct my life from now on.

8/14/2003 7:28:17 PM



For dad John B. K. A petition in thanksgiving and for his continued recovery and return to perfect spiritual, physical and emotional and mental health. That all the root causes of his illness be removed. That he may be granted the gift of faith in complete healing, and an open and receptive mind; that all his organs may work perfectly fueled by the light of God. That he along with us his family may be brought to wholeness through his healing. For the financial abundance necessary to sustain the healing process. That in thanksgiving for his and our healing we may dedicate our lives to helping other people return to health and wholeness. That we may be a light in the darkness for ourselves and for many people in need and in deed. That we may forever remember, and be thankful. Thank you and God Bless you for your prayers!

8/14/2003 10:04:06 PM


U S A  IP:

Please pray for me.I lost my job and insurance when the plant closed down.Please pray for me to find a good job with insurance fast. Thank You, MBMJ

8/15/2003 7:52:29 AM


usa  IP:

Please pray for my husband, David. Pray that he may be filled with the Holy Spirit and that he will again passionately desire to be the Promise Keeper and leader of our family that we have known him to be. Pray for him to seek God's will in his life and that the Lord will deepen his commitment and love for our family and me. Pray that he will have the strength, courage, faith and love to distance himself further from his paramour that seeks to dissolve our marriage and our family of 19 years. Please pray for his paramour, Linda, that she will encounter a servant & teacher of the Lord’s word and begin to seek God’s will in her life rather than her follow the desires of her own sickness. Please also pray for me and for our children. Pray that the Lord will bless my marriage to David and that God will grant us peace, serenity, comfort, assurance, strength and courage to wait on him during this storm of our lives. Pray that I will be able to live in a manner that pleasing to God and that my actions and words will serve as a positive example for our children. Pray that God will make clear to us his will for our lives and that he will keep us all close in the palm of his hand as our pain is more than we can handle alone. Thank you for your prayers and support, Jennifer

8/15/2003 11:32:21 PM



Please pray for our adult children to return to church and pray for their peace, jobs, happiness and health. May they know God is loving, kind and always heals the broken hearted especially when they are down.

8/17/2003 3:22:34 AM


Bahrain  IP:

Lord Jesus Christ Son of the living God I beg at your feet to heal E.B foot he is suffering for so long, Jesus cleanse him for the sin of the Flesh, which you so detest, open his mind that if he loves someone he should marry them and not live in sin. Jesus u r sending so many messages for America touch and mould the hearts of the people of this country they do not realise your wrath Lord, HAVE MERCY LORD.

8/17/2003 5:18:11 AM



to be eternally yoked with the spirit of god. pray for me that god may reveal his will concerning my life to. that i may know my vocation in life within the shortest possible time. to grant me success in my central bank of nigeria recruitment exercise and all other employment exercise.

8/18/2003 2:49:09 AM



Pray for Alex Landa stationed in Germany critically injured in an automobile accident prognosis is very gleam..pray for him and his family..and the other young man with him. thankyou Sylvia

8/18/2003 10:32:57 AM


Mexico  IP:

I ask your kind prayers again for my boyfriend. He is devastated after his mother death. May God bring comfort and healing to his heart.

8/18/2003 6:39:47 PM



Please pray for my sister & the layoff situation, for Mary and Gina's trip, for my special intention, for my sister and her husband's situation w/his parents. Thanks.

8/19/2003 10:36:24 PM


kuwait  IP:

Please pray for my son Thomas George to come to salvation and know God and love him and serve him

8/20/2003 5:12:31 AM

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