Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


Vietnam  IP:

Lord, im asking your forgiveness in my sin's not only for this day and yesterday...but for the rest that i done wrong...for give me LORD, forgive me..I'm asking your forgiveness LORD through your Holy Name LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

4/18/2005 6:23:49 PM



I pray for the holy spirit to be present and inspiring to the collge of Cardnials as they choose our next leader to preserve and preach the Catholic doctrine. To Inspire and lead in the steps of JPII. I also pray for the non-practicing liberal American Catholics to return to church and realize that we are Roman Catholics first before we are American Catholics.

4/19/2005 5:42:54 AM

  Bill& Carol,husband& wife in agony!!

oh. usa.  IP:

updated. the death of our only son!! our hearts cries out day and night for his mercy and peace!! the death of our only son was the final blow in our already broken and crushed lives!! and his death crushed us into dust!! please continue to pray for us in the days ahead...2005,2006...for god's healing peace!! thank you, bill and carol,husband and wife in hope. oh.usa.

4/19/2005 11:39:13 AM


usa  IP:

Holy spirt thank you for answering our prayers in your decision in choosing Pope Benedict XVI today. I pray for the success on our new pontiff, I pray for the conservation of the Catholic Doctrine and for the revival of faith both Catholic and Protestant in the United States. May the seeds sown in the fertile soil flourish in abundance. We ask this in Christ's name Amen.

4/19/2005 7:14:59 PM


Phils.  IP:

Please join me in prayer that I can find a soul friend to do mission together. I am a missionary at heart and want to spend in mission for the rest of my life.

4/19/2005 11:34:18 PM


Malaysia  IP:

Please pray for my son, Adrian and daughter-in-law, Victoriana, that the Lord will bless them with a child soon. They have been married for seven years and have been unable to conceive. Both are in their thirties and are yearning for children of their own.

4/20/2005 5:59:46 AM


usa  IP:

O Infant Jesus, eternal Wisdom made flesh, who shed Your blessings so generously on all, and most especially on school children and students who trust in You, please look kindly on me as I implore You to guide and assist me in my studies. You, O God made Man, Lord of all learning, source of all understanding and memory, come and help me in my weakness. Enlighten my mind, give me a ready ability to acquire knowledge and truth and the capacity to remember all I learn. Be my light, strength and comfort in moments of special difficulty. By the grace of Your divine Heart may I do all my school

4/20/2005 7:56:05 AM

 joseph michael

usa  IP:

please pray for my neighbor he is causing us problems, pray that GOD will change him and his ways

4/20/2005 5:05:46 PM



Please pray for Stravo's dad - dying, Dean - MS, Michelle - brain complications, health for my family, Rob, Mary, Mary, Sadie, Eliz, my special intentions, Sr. Marie - blood complications, Sr. Rita - dying, thanksgiving for prayers answered for my sister. Thank you.

4/20/2005 10:27:21 PM


United States of America  IP:

I need prayer in the following areas. 1. I have big financial problems. 2. I want and need a huge sum of money. 3. I want and need an excellent paying job in Thailand, Asia or America. 4. I have girlfriend problems. 5. I need good health for myself.

4/20/2005 10:48:21 PM



Brothers and Sisters, I have prayed for others and events for years. I am now in a situation where thoughts and prayers are needed in my direction. May the Lord help me and guide me into the US Air Force to serve him here on Earth. I have a minimal chance of getting accepted. Please help me pray to our lord and savior and for the continuing intercession of his mother Mary and all the Saints. We ask of this in Christ's name. Amen.

4/21/2005 4:27:23 AM


Indonesia  IP:

Dear friend, My name is Dwiana from Indonesia. I have a girl friend, and I love her very much, and her name is Jane Nayoan. I lost her for a year, on middle of 2003, but on middle of 2004, we met again. We try to close again. I very very hope have good relation, better relation than before, and not lose her again. Please, beg our Lord to unite her soul and her heart in me only. Beg our Lord also, to give me a skill to play a guitar so good, because I feel not good enough to play a guitar. I’m not a confidence self. But I want to make a song and dedicate for her.

4/21/2005 6:37:01 AM



For :Por : Angèlica Rodriguez Velasquez (my wife)she have 25 years old and for our baby on pregnacy he/she have Sevent (7) months (en estado de embarazo) (and for the baby ) (y el bebè en gestaciòn) .SHE HAVE high risk ON THE pregnancy And olso needs prayers for me Im have 31 years old : Javier (Pablo) Eduardo Montaña Santos (all my needs and for job (mejor empleo) (immediately) i need job and blessing finantial )(y bendiciòn financiera) and prosperity; y por mis estudios teològicos. (olso for my studies theologicals)

4/21/2005 9:10:17 AM

 Maxine Guerry


I am very ill. Please ask God to heal me. I can't afford to be sick. My daughter needs me. Thank you and God bless you.

4/21/2005 3:07:02 PM



I am so lonely and despondent. Please place me in the care of our heavenly Mother. Also, may the Blesseds and Saints I pray to show me their power before God and manifest in my life some sign of their Holy Presence in an unmistakable way. I am so alone and afraid. Thank you and God Bless you.

4/21/2005 5:12:18 PM

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