Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2005

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


usa  IP:

please sweet gently Lord heal my daughter of Crohn's, irratable bowel and severe endrometrios. bring her into your loving arms and hold her until she is healed. please give me courage to go on daily with fibromylgia. thank you for loving me and my family. keep us safe and bring us closer to your heart. nancy...

1/20/2005 11:14:11 AM

 Miguel Angel Vargas,Jr & Sr

U.S.A  IP:

that we can be patient be spiritly strong able to learn every day ,study ,and be commited to save dollars and not be upst ,angry ,nervous ,tired and lazy ,and even gossip wrong about anyone , and have a ver strong faith in the days of our lifes. and for our illness. amen

1/20/2005 4:55:35 PM



Please pray that Brianne carries her baby to full term and that the child will be healthy. Thank you.

1/20/2005 8:26:56 PM


usa  IP:

please ask our loving God yo help me financialy so I can save my home and pay off all my debts love sharon

1/21/2005 5:46:36 AM


usa  IP:

I place my youngest brother, Ralph, in a rehab center in mexico, I know it is the best thing for him but I'm afraid he might hate me. Please help me pray that he understands it was done out of love for him and his son, Ralphy. I was also married to an adict and he never recovered I don't want this to happen to anyone I want to pray for my ex-husband that he finds peace in his heart, and someday recovers completely. I pray for all who suffer spititualy.God Bless you all for praying for us. florisa

1/21/2005 1:52:58 PM


Italy  IP:

Madre di Dio Vergine Santissima consacra a te queste famiglie e proteggile dal demonio per la salute dell'anima e del corpo: Famiglia: Palmucci Famiglia: Cingolani Famiglia: Iggiotti Famiglia: Veltri Famiglia: Mazzotta Famiglia: Montano Famiglia: Le Rose Famiglia: Galisch Famiglia: Macaluso Famiglia: Macro Famiglia: Lazzaretti Famiglia: Dascenzo Famiglia: De Rossi Famiglia: Stuppia Famiglia: Di Folco Famiglia: Valentini Famiglia: Pillani Famiglia: Lecis Famiglia: Costanzo Famiglia: De Sanctis Famiglia: Santini Famiglia: Santarelli Famiglia: Rosati Famiglia: Dalu Famiglia: Cannarella Famiglia: Piccioni Famiglia: Carnali Famiglia: Fasciana Famiglia: Dalcin. Maria Santissima Madre di Dio ti supplico di liberarli e proteggerli sempre da ogni male e da ogni maledizione e di condurli all'eterna salvezza delle loro anime. Nel Nome di Gesù Cristo, Nostro Signore. Amen.

1/21/2005 2:51:57 PM



Por nuestras necesidades (presentes y futuras) y liberaciòn,protecciòn,salud,amor,bendiciòn y Providencia Divina, sanaciòn ,uniòn y la acciòn de Dios en nombre de su Hijo Jesùs. For alls ours needs and for liberation, an proteccion, and union, and love. and Providence of God. For :Por : Angèlica Rodriguez Velasquez on pregnacy (en estado de embarazo) (and the baby ) (y el bebè en gestaciòn) And olso for me : Javier (Pablo) Eduardo Montaña Santos (all my needs and for best job and blessing finantial ) Urgent! Prayers Agradeciendo sus oraciones Thanks!

1/21/2005 3:57:39 PM

 annautrey jones

usa  IP:

Please put Pat Huddleston on the prayer list for a healing. she went in the hospital for heart complication and suffer a stroke I pray for a complete healing.

1/21/2005 10:49:45 PM



Hi My name is Jean, I'm 40. For 2 years I've learned that my knees are sick: the bones of the knees have holes. I feel some pains,I can't have a walk in montains anymore, nor play with my children. Thank you to pray for me ,I need a miracle God bless you Jean

1/22/2005 1:15:42 AM


singapore  IP:

Thank you Father for everything. Please help Anne to get a easy job soon. Help Mark to get through this examination well and also to get out of depression. Thank you Father in Jesus name I pray.

1/22/2005 3:00:32 AM


pavaratty,Trichru,Kerala,India  IP:

Praise The Lord We ,Immanuel Vision,a fellowship for proclaiming Jesus as the only redeemer through VISUAL MEDIA,request your strong intercessory prayer for this ministry. Now we are trying to erect a studio in ourland and for that we are we are approaching people for raising fund for that.Please remember in your prayers. We request your special prayers for the leaders of this ministry. We produced two films.We request for the distribution ministry. for Immanuel Vision Vadakkoot Francis May God Bless You and Mother Mary pray for us Thank You for your Prayers.

1/22/2005 7:49:55 AM



Please pray for Barb, Pam, Diana, George, Kea, Bri, David, Mom, Dad, Rob, Mary, Sadie, Frs. E, A, S, S, H, B, the Pope, my special intentions. Thanks.

1/22/2005 1:28:12 PM


Philipines  IP:

Please pray for my brother's ailment that his CT Scan will be negative. And extend your prayers to other members of my family, like my niece and eldest sister. Thank you so much. God bless!

1/22/2005 11:27:16 PM


usa  IP:

please ask our loving God to please help financialy sso I can save my home and pay off all my debts God bless all love sharon

1/23/2005 7:49:01 AM

 Sue Warren

South Africa  IP:

In desperation I am asking for your prayers for my mother, who is having difficulty in breathing and eating because of a growth in her lung. Please pray that the radiotherapy treatment will be successful, and that in whatever time left to her she is free from pain and relieved of her terrible mental anguish. Grateful thanks. Sue

1/23/2005 10:44:08 AM

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