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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God

Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia Your testimony of healing or conversion to this list.
Catholic prayers
Testimonies before July 2001, >>>

The Almighty has done great things for me,
holy is his name. (Luke 1:49)


 Bernadetta & Ignatius


Summer 2004 was the darkest summer in our history. Both of us lost our jobs. We lived with our savings which would be gone soon. We prayed rosary unceasingly for 3 months (and now we are still doing it), we also pray for others who need prayers by becoming member of Circle of Prayer in our church, prayer site, etc. We prayed to St. Anthony, St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Joseph, St. Ignatius, St. Bernadette, Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, and all saints, angels, and our ancestors who we believe are in heaven now. The answer to our prayer was given in October, when my husband got a very good job. The job is something that we would never thought about, and we consider it as a miracle. Now our life is much better. But we still need Lord's guidance to find us a way towards His plan for us. If you ask Lord with humbly and unceasing prayers, Lord will hear you and answer your prayer in a way that you might not even think about. In the meantime you need to do charity to your neighbors by doing good works and pray for their needs. Be thankful for every gift the Lord has given you, and ask for Lord's forgiveness for sins you have committed. Thank's Lord for the miracle you gave us.

2/17/2005 5:53:12 AM



Hello, how are you? Fine I hope! Let me introduce myself...(not to toot my own horn, but...)I am a Christian prophetess by most people's standards, for I have been given dreams, visions and messages from the Word that have come to pass. I like to think of myself as a woman of Christ that God has revealed his hidden thoughts to...some of these thoughts are hidden in the Holy Bible. I have been visited by a few different angels and it has been a long journey getting to your website. I truly believe that God has blessed you with the task of getting his message out...I first started warning as many people as I could, on the internet, about the end coming (2004)...If you knew what I know about the end coming, you would not be able to contain yourself...that is the way I have been and it has not been a very good experience with the Christian community. The Lord started telling me in small ways about the end coming in 2002. I tried to warn my church family and was told I was wrong. God will let you know, If you need to believe me... If you want to know what He has given me to tell all who would believe than contact me @ creynoldsh@aol.com.

1/30/2005 5:28:21 AM

 alicia o

usa IP:

Praise jesus and thank you to all my brothers and sisters in christ for your prayers i ask yesterday for prayer for my grand son and his wife who are having there first child and she was having labor pains and the baby has not fully developed the doctor said it was to small not even 3pounds and the baby lungs were not yet fully developed. they had been giving her med to see if the labor would stop, at least untill the lungs were developed,praise god, today she was released from the hospital, and she will need bed rest till time for the birth of the little angel.thank you again to all the wonderful brothers and sisters for praying with me. May god bless each one of you in a very special way. Your sister in christ jesus alicia

1/26/2005 5:21:40 PM

 Mariana James

Saudi Arabia IP:

I want to share with everyone here for what has happened to me. I have been praying so many saints prayers and many other prayers for months and still been patiently waiting for an answer to my request. Then I came across the 54 Rosary Novena recently through the internet when I added the prayers of the 54 rosary novena to all other prayers and my prayer was answered within 5 days of praying. Here is how I did the 54 Rosary Novena in my own way. I pray all the 4 mysteries of the Rosary continuosly every day for 3 days with my petitions, and then immediately the next 3 days with thanksgivings. All in all I pray for 6 days instead of 54 days. I got my prayers answered on the 5th day. I will continue to pray the same way so that I won't go into trouble again. Thanks God for He is so good to us through Jesus and Blessed Virgin Mary for helping us. And thanks for every brothers and sisters here too. Keep smiling

1/13/2005 1:04:51 AM

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