Testimonies, Witnessing Catholic faith, Prayers answered
Catholic Prayers

Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God

Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia Your testimony of healing or conversion to this list.
Catholic prayers
Testimonies before July 2001, >>>

The Almighty has done great things for me,
holy is his name. (Luke 1:49)




Dear heart of Jesus thank you so much for the favor that I asked you for my daugther DD...Please be with her..I love you so much a miracle is happening for my daughter..I am so thankfu. I worship you.

7/1/2007 4:29:35 PM


u.s.a IP:

Thank you dear heart of Jesus for hearing my cries and answering them...love you..so much...please have my mother have mercy,kindness and love in her heart for me.

6/20/2007 9:12:27 AM



Thank you dear heart of Jesus for doing me a big favor with my daughter granting her a change of heart and renewal about an unhealthy relationship with a guy..love you so much thank you.

6/17/2007 7:53:48 AM



Thank you Holy spirit for doing me a favor and helping my daughter see the truth and change heart about a guy who is unhealthy for herlove you thank you...

6/17/2007 7:51:38 AM

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