Lord Jesus Christ my God, I humble myself before your Presence. As I
come to accompany you and your Blessed Mother on the way to Calvary, grant me to feel for you with
the tender feelings that She felt. May these stations of the cross remind me
of your love and of the price you had to pay for my sins.
Let us pray the Way of
the Cross with a humble and contrite heart, after all it is because of our sins that Jesus
had to die for us.
It is customary to say before each station:
"We adore you, O Christ and we bless you.
Because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world."
After each station you say an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.
To enter into the Spirit of the Passion, let us ask
Mother Mary to help us live the Passion as She did:
Mother Mary, help me to see with your eyes, to hear with your ears, to
feel with your heart and to understand with your wisdom. Help me to know
the depths of the love of Christ your Son and the bitterness of your
Immaculate Heart.

Divine Mercy
Father forgive them!
fifteen prayers of St Bridget
on the Passion of Christ (Luisa Picarreta)
Messages from Jesus,
Mary and God the Father
Last seven words of Jesus on the cross
The Work of God
Stations of the
cross |