Gospels explained by Jesus - Gospel messages, gospels explanation |
John 3:13-17
Year B -
24th Sunday in ordinary time
Triumph of the Cross - As Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up.
13 And no man has ascended into heaven, except for the one that descended from heaven, the Son of man.
No one has the power to raise his soul and go up to heaven, except I, the Son of God, who came from heaven and ascended after my resurrection. A human being lacks all supernatural power. It is by the will of God that the physical and spiritual creation exists. Higher than the human body is the mind, higher still are the soul and the spirit. The soul registers good and evil; it is like a mirror that reflects what is good and bad, the immaterial body whose center is the spirit. The spirit is pure and divine by essence, since it is the image and likeness of God by which all his children have been created. Moses raised the bronze serpent on a standard so that everyone who looked upon it would be healed of the mortal bites of the serpents that God sent as punishment for sin and rebellion. I was crucified, to receive the punishment for the sins of all humanity, this way all the evil of the world was healed though my death on the cross; for this reason every one who raises his eyes over my crucified body imploring mercy for his sins, is healed of the evil poison that he carries in his soul. He who believes in me obtains pardon and freedom from sin. After the death of the flesh, he receives my resurrection and I will raise him up to the Glory of my Heavenly Kingdom; something that I alone can do. The love of God is infinitely great; it’s superabundant in charity and full of mercy. My Father loved the world so much, that He sent me, so that in my human nature I could receive the punishment for sin. Because of sin, the offense committed against God is infinite; there never existed on the earth an offering of infinite value to pay this debt. My Father in his infinite Love and Mercy decided to forgive sins through my offering on the cross. As a man I suffered the humiliation, the rejection and the punishment for the human sins that sent me to my death. As God, I overcame sin, I overcame satan and I overcame death, I obtained a complete victory for the human race and I opened the way for all those who want to follow me. With my resurrection I gave testimony of my power as God, with my Ascension I opened the doors of heaven to all those who being faithful to my words accept the call and come to me. I have not come to judge or to condemn; I have come to give hope and to save. Everyone who desires a part in my kingdom must know the way of the cross and must eat of my flesh and drink of my blood in order to obtain eternal life.
Received by: Joseph
of Jesus and Mary