Gospels explained by Jesus - Gospel messages, gospels explanation |
Luke 9:11-17
Year C -
The Body and Blood of Christ
And taking the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed them
11 When the crowds found out about it, they followed him; and he welcomed them, and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed to be cured.
I am the bread of life that has come down from Heaven, the celestial manna that gives life unlike the manna eaten by the people in the desert who are dead. My food is food for eternal life. I wanted to impress upon my apostles and upon all my followers for all time the fact that I had come to feed my people for their journey to heaven. It was then time to make myself known publicly as the One sent by my Father. Not only a prophet gifted with supernatural powers to perform miracles, but also to make them see that I was prepared to feed them with the food of immortality, my own flesh and blood. It was appropriate to familiarize them with my generosity as the free bread that had come down from heaven, so that many generations would do the same until the end of times. The bread they ate that day produced holy effects on their souls and many repented and became my followers. Many saw this miraculous gift as a reason for staying in my company to have plenty free food to eat. This was not my plan. My bread was accompanied by the food of my word, which many received in their hearts causing wonderful effects. As Savior of the world, my mission is to teach the soul the way and the truth, and to lead it to life. I am the life of the soul; I have made myself available as food for the soul in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Those who hunger for me will be filled. Those who thirst for me will be satisfied. I designated my apostles as priests and ministers of the Holy Eucharist, anointed with the power to transmit this ministry in my Church to other priests. By my command, I instituted the priesthood and the sacrament of immortality. I make my self truly available to you every time the bread and wine is consecrated by one of my anointed priests. In human terms it is said: “you are what you eat”, I tell you solemnly, when you repent of your sins and receive me in a state of grace, then as you eat my flesh which is the bread of life and drink my blood which is the elixir of immortality, you are purified and prepared for eternal life, where you will become like me. I am waiting for you to receive me worthily when you come to Holy Mass; I am also truly present in every tabernacle, ready to listen to your prayers and to bless you when you acknowledge me. I love you.
Received by: Joseph
of Jesus and Mary