Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above![]() The great secret of the saints is to be filled with God. This is the best way to allow the Spirit of God to move through us and change the world. To be filled with God we may think of different examples. Let us think of a sponge, it can absorb so much water that it reaches saturation point when it is full. This is how we want to be, saturated with God. If we put our hands in water they get wet, if we place our hands in fire they get hot and may burn. If we are in darkness we don’t see, but if we come to the light we are able to see. To every action there is a reaction. This is also true in the spiritual world. There is no word, movement or sigh that is addressed to God that goes unnoticed. God sees everything and is attentive to our relationship with Him. If we place ourselves in the presence of God, there will be a response from God. Moses came down from the mountain with his face shining because he was in the presence of God who is light. When Saint Stephen was being stoned to death for being a witness of Jesus, he was seen with his face shining. The saints have been depicted with a crown of light, because the light of God filled them and they were seen with shining faces and light around them. God is spirit, God is power, God is light, God is wisdom, God is peace, God is Joy, God is grace, God is love, God is mercy, God is everything. God in all his beautiful attributes can be reproduced in anyone who desires to become like Him and comes into His presence to know Him, love Him and serve Him. God is our heavenly bread truly present in the Holy Eucharist. We have a saying you are what you eat. Well if we eat the bread of Heaven and do it worthily and with frequency, we begin to fill ourselves to a point in which we are very similar to Christ. We can say with Saint Paul, it is not I who lives but Christ who lives in me. The Holy Eucharist is such an important meal for our souls, that it has been proved by many saints. They were able to live on the Holy Eucharist alone and did not take any other food for their sustenance. These supernatural miracles, a result of being in the presence of God, they are the natural essence of the spirit. They are too wonderful for us but not for God.
![]() Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary ©
Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from aboveFilling ourselves with God