Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from aboveGrowth in the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit fills us with the gifts we need to produce good fruit, to grow in holiness, and to proclaim the Good News of our Salvation [Colossians 1:10]. We must submit our lives to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He is the Advocate, the Paraclete, the Spirit of Peace, Love and Joy. In Him we can rest and be fed. He is our teacher, He will always tell us what is right and what is wrong, because He speaks through our conscience. We must remain obedient to the teachings of the Church and open ourselves to the direction of the Holy Spirit. God is with us, but we must come to Him. The Holy Scriptures say that we will be taught by God [Isaiah 54:13], we have received the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ Who has sent His Holy Spirit to guide us. As a baby depends on its mother, we must also depend on God, St. Peter invites us to drink that spiritual milk [1 Peter 2:2] that will make us grow in the knowledge of Our Lord. The Holy Spirit does His work silently as a gentle breeze, all we have to do is to believe and to submit ourselves to His direction. [1 Corinthians 3:6] I have planted, Apollo watered, but God gave the growth. Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary ©
Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from aboveGrowth in the Holy Spirit