Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above

Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above, Becoming instruments of the Holy Spirit Becoming instruments of the Holy Spirit
To be able to assist the Spirit of God and to merit ourselves to become His instruments, we must be disciples of Jesus. It takes self denial, acceptance of His Holy Will and imitation of Christ. We must truly diminish humbly so that the Lord may grow in us [John 3:30], we must be quiet within, so that we may hear the voice of the Spirit, we have to forget ourselves in order to think of God all the time, we have to leave the world behind in order to find the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth, right within our hearts.

When we allow the Spirit of God to possess us, it is unimportant to speak about us any more; we just want to speak about God. We must reject all the credit that is given to us for our good works otherwise we will be paid here not in heaven [Matthew 6:2], we stop worrying about all the things of this world and start living the spiritual things that Jesus is teaching us in His gospels.

The spiritual person has to overcome the world, the devil and the flesh. The Sacraments of reconciliation and Holy Communion must be received frequently so that the person remains in a state of Grace. God doesn't listen to sinners [John 9:31], so how can we pretend that we can intercede for others when we ourselves need more prayers than them?

To become instruments of the Holy Spirit, we must become holy, we must listen to the command of God to be holy [Leviticus 11:45]. We must be clean containers of the Living Water that saves us, we must burn with the pure flames of the fire of Love.

We must have a pure conscience, a pure heart, a pure intention for everyone. We must live not for ourselves but for Christ, we must count everything as rubbish in order to possess Christ [Philippians 3:8].

So to merit this great gift of the Holy Spirit we must come to a stage where we can say with St. Paul, it is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me [Galatians 2:20].

Holy Spirit miracles - Power from above Becoming instruments of the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above

Author: Joseph of Jesus and Mary ©

Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above     Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from above, If today you hear his word, harden not your heart.

Holy Spirit miracles - Power of God - Power from aboveBecoming instruments of the Holy Spirit