Prayer requests, petitions, intentions - Catholic Prayers

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia
For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: mimix

uk IP:

Dear Almighty Lord, Thanks for all blessings and guidance, please continue to give my family good health, help with my job and provide our daily needs, also help my brothers and sisters back home and peace to all. We praise you Lord.

6/17/2015 12:03:22 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: mimix

uk IP:

Dear ALmighty Lord, Thanks for all blessings and guidance, please continue to give my family good health, help with my job and provide our daily needs, also help my brothers and sisters back home and peace to all. We praise you Lord.

6/15/2015 11:56:33 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Allen Bahn

United States IP:

For the healing of Shirley's knees and the comfort of her pain.

6/13/2015 9:34:06 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: mimix

uk IP:

Dear Almighty Lord, Thanks for all blessings and guidance , please continue to give Bradleigh and Ruby good helath, help with my job and provide our daily needs, also help my brothers and sisters back home and peace to al. We praise you Lord

6/12/2015 12:43:49 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Marc Hakimdin

United States IP:

For Marc Hakimdin, that he stop being proud and arrogant and that he have much greater humility.

6/11/2015 9:26:11 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Bernice

United States IP:

Please pray that J. and A. do not have cancer.

6/11/2015 7:29:41 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: 

world IP:

so what people being ripped off gods word says don't worry you get back 7 fold

6/11/2015 11:57:31 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: mimix

uk IP:

Dear Almighty Lord, Thanks for all blessings and guidance, please continue to give my family good health, help with my job and provide our daily needs, also help my brothers and sisters back home and peace to all. We praise you Lord.

6/11/2015 1:36:08 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Alexander Chung

Canada IP:

That I accept the ongoing, complete, and infinite Healing and Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

6/10/2015 10:42:25 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: mimix

uk IP:

Dear Almighty Lord, Thanks for all blessings and guidance, please continue to give my family good health, help with my job and provide our daily needs, also help my brothers and sisters back home and peace to all. We praise you Lord.

6/10/2015 12:20:29 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: chuck haddad

usa IP:

Lifting up L.James & entire Cavilier team at this difficult time;asking for truly infin.vast oceans: 1) of God's absol.iron clad,impregnable protections from any/all injuries harm,illness;2) for crystal clarity of thinking,reasoning,vission & depth of knowl. -fully bring to birth every gift, skill

6/9/2015 2:48:39 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: chuck haddad

usa IP:

Pleading for your powerful prayers: For Sally for the complete, radical, all pervasive, permanent: regeneration, healings of every fiber & cell of damage inflicted upon her by the staff infection-now and unceasingly;

6/9/2015 2:39:18 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: chuck haddad

usa IP:

For Sally: ASking for a truly absolute iron clad,impreg nable protection and defenses by unceasingly re- energizing,re-envigorating,re-vitalizing every aspect, quality of her entire immune system to provide such protections from: all staff,all harmful [bacterial & virus] infections-now and forever.

6/9/2015 1:53:42 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: chuck haddad

usa IP:

Asking for strong community prayer support: For truly infinite vast oceans of ever increasingly more deep, thorough,all pervasive,complete,permanent: eradication of this large tumor in Sally's belly cavity--right down to the very deepest root & seed causes of this & all aspects of her cancer & tumors

6/9/2015 1:51:38 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: chuck haddad

usa IP:

Pleading strong prayers for infin. vast oceans of ever increas. growing: their openness,love of, desires for,cooperation & yielding to: the absol.fullness of Christ,Mary as mother & Queen Hvn&Earth & compl.regen- eration & healings:S. Hawking,R. Dawkins, E.John, E. Degeneras,J.Foster,L.Lohan,H.Clinton

6/9/2015 1:48:28 PM

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