Prayer requests, petitions, intentions - Catholic Prayers

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Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia
For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998

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Please pray for us! :

Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: rob


please pray for our friend Mike T. that he be able to undergo cancer treatment and recover. thank you and God bless you.

11/9/2006 8:00:19 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Betty Kuhn


Please pray for my friend, Sheila, who was recently diagnosed with cancer of the jaw and tongue. Thank you.

11/9/2006 7:39:22 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: samara


please pray for me and my family.I am in need of a better job that will give me the founds to pay me bills and to help me have some pride in what i do i need good health to get and keep a good job and so i can have a fighting chance in this world i want be around along time to take care of my son

11/9/2006 5:55:51 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Martha


Please pray for Sue Herrera with possible stomach cancer and for the financial problems. Also Robert Dominguez suffers of manic depression and is disabled & IRS tax problems due to false idenity. Lisa and her mother who was laid off and Lisa suffers of heart conditions in needs of medication which is a must. All 3 need dire financial help & blessings. Thank you and praise to God for his grace and answers to all our needs.

11/9/2006 3:17:56 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: linda


please pray for my husband that his problems and his outlook on life will change for the better.

11/9/2006 2:54:25 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Matthew


Pray that after today I am can beat a 15 year cigarette addiction. I pray for your intercessions, and the saints to intercede.Thank you God for the gift of the Holy Eucharist.

11/9/2006 12:45:44 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Mary


Please pray that my cancer treatment has been successful,and that my dear aunt will get good news from the hospital tommorrow.I thank our Blesssed Lord for the many Blessings I have received. I love You and peaise You Lord. Mary

11/9/2006 12:37:20 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Yukie Ota


Please pray that I get a promotion at work and that things will be blessed and peaceful and successful for me at work.

11/9/2006 10:53:52 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: jr


please make him so miserable and so unhappy make him realize every day the mistakes he made when he married her he hates sabrena and is disgusted by her he resents her and fights constantly with her she is a horrible person and he hates her make him realize every day and regret that he is not with me i am the one he loves and thinks of all the time he is so unhappy and depressed

11/9/2006 8:32:11 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Josephine McDonald


Please could you pray for me as I have recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and hope that the treatment is working and that I may go into remission. God bless you.

11/9/2006 8:25:11 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: M.RATHNAKUMAR


Dear Beloved Breather and Sister, Greetings to you in the name of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Please continue preying our family. Friday I submit my wife’s permanent JOB application in to the offices. Please prey for my near and close ways of my trying. I expect God’s surprise blessing in my life. Thanking you. Yours in LOVE, RATHNA KUMAR INDIA

11/9/2006 6:43:27 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: anne


love,joy, peace, unity, illumiation

11/9/2006 5:45:41 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Kathy


Please God, I would like a peaceful existence, with life flowing merrily day after day. I would like good support in Sundance & Funky and most of all I would like Funky to be super successful

11/9/2006 4:07:37 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Kathy


Please hear my prayers for Jimmy help him to understand what he's doing is wrong. Give us hope that it will get better. Touch him Lord Jesus and show him the way. Please be there for us and guide him in the right direction. Amen

11/9/2006 3:22:18 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Vicky


Please to our aid that Ray may be healed from depression. Take away from his all negative thoughts, hatred and anger. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide him with all his decision and undertakings. Send him people who can lead him to Jesus. Make him realize that Jesus is the only way to peace and happiness.

11/9/2006 12:06:18 AM

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