Prayer requests, petitions, intentions - Catholic Prayers

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Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  > The Work of God Index

Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia
For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998

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Please pray for us! :

Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: julian fernandes

Mumbai, India IP:

please pray that my newphew Linus obtains a permanent job, being jobless for past 3-4 years and mutterring all obscenities curses, that he atends church and prayers and obtains permanent job with responsiblity

2/19/2012 10:48:31 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: ws

ms IP:

Lord I plan to get married soon, but not sure if JR is my soulmate. Please show me a sign.

2/19/2012 10:36:30 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus'&Blessed Mother:Thanksgiving for prayers answered&Blessings.Heal the sick:Dan;Deb;Jeff;Jo;Ruth;Jackie;Diana;those dying today.Multiply the fishes&loaves in our finances:America;Siblings;Diane;Children;myself.St Michael protect those in the field of justice:Judges;Detectives;AgentBradford.

2/18/2012 12:21:51 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: For Susie


Please pray for my Aunt Susie. Stage 3/4 ovarian cancer spread to her colon and diaphragm. Her daughter has been missing for 2 years and her grandchildren need her to be here for them. Dear God, please heal her and allow her to give her grandkids the love and safety that my Grandma, her Mom, gave me

2/18/2012 11:09:06 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Mary


Please pray for me and my family that God Almighty may reach out and touch each one of us in areas of our necessities,tribulations and sufferings. Been affected by loss of life,employement,finances,illness and lack of peace.Pray Mother Mary intercede for us. Amen

2/18/2012 6:45:54 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Brad Smith

United States IP:

I am requesting prayers for God to help us find an affordable home close to my job. I am also asking that we are able to sell our existing home quickly.

2/18/2012 6:36:07 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Lulu


Please pray for the man I think I love and for me that we may know God's will and have the strength to follow it- to be together or apart.

2/17/2012 6:27:18 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus'&Blessed Mother:Thanksgiving for prayers answered&Blessings.Heal the sick:Dan;Deb;Jeff;Maureen;Diane;Lisa;PattyH;those dying today.St Michael protect those in the field of jusice:Judges;Detectives;SAgentBradford;City Pros;CPD;Priests;Bishops;Doctors;Pharmacists;bring truth.Finances Help!

2/17/2012 10:03:18 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Dorothy

United States IP:

Please Lord Jesus touch my husband John and have all his cancer treatments be successful and cure him of his cancer and restore him to good health. Keep him strong & Bless him and our family and everyone caring for him.Guide them every step of the way.Pleas Lord Jesus hear my prayers.Thank you

2/17/2012 5:24:31 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Helen

United States IP:

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for help for my family health,and family problems, especially for my sister Anita who has cancer and my brother Manuel too who is also very sick. Please help them! also I pray for success for myself at my job. I love and thank you Father God for everything!!!

2/17/2012 12:20:47 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: patricia marie

Ireland IP:

that the garda will drop the 150 fine, and leave me alone, as they are ruining my life, and making it a living hell. god bless you all

2/16/2012 6:40:17 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: celene

usa IP:

Please pray for my healing of MOUTH, NECK and LUNG cancer

2/15/2012 11:54:27 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus' & Blessed Mother:Thanksgiving for prayers answered & Blessings.Heal the sick:Sally& Husband(stroke&Alzheimers);Cancer Patients:Lisa;Maureen;Diane;PattyH;Dan;Deb;jeff;those dying today.St Michael protect those in the field of justice:Judges;Detectives;SABraford;CP;CPD;Priests;bring truth.

2/15/2012 10:21:30 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Theresa

Us IP:

Please send me healing and guidance.

2/15/2012 1:33:29 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Dorothy

United States IP:

Please Lord Jesus watch over my husband John as he receives a strong chemo treatment that needs monitoring every fifteen minutes.Please have everything be fine with no complications & be successful in curing his cancer.Keep him strong and Bless him & everyone caring for him.Hear my prayer.

2/14/2012 7:11:37 PM

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