Prayer requests, petitions, intentions - Catholic Prayers

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Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia
For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998

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Please pray for us! :

Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: anonymous


Please pray for me my brothers and sisters! I have been struggling with the sin of masterbation for many years now. It is uncommon in females, but I have to confess it. Please pray for all those who are struggling with it as well!

4/3/2011 7:27:29 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: anonymous


Please pray for me my brothers and sisters! I have been struggling with the sin of masterbation for many years now. It is uncommon in females, but I have to confess it. Please pray for all those who are struggling with it as well!

4/3/2011 7:27:28 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: michelle

Canada IP:

Lord help me to save our marriage.Please give us more understanding and love to each other. Hoping that my husband will fine.Thank you GOd.Guide us always

4/3/2011 1:05:33 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus': Thanksgiving for prayers answered.Heal the sick;also the doctors that are in the field of healing their patients.St Michael protect those in the field of justice:Judges(JudgeCain)Detectives;Attorneys(Bob);City Prosecutors;CPD;Priests;Doctors;bring the truth to the light.Prosperityfamily

4/3/2011 11:00:20 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Joseph Caesar


Please pray for me that my divorce will be granted.

4/2/2011 11:56:04 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Michelle

canada IP:

Thank God for everything.

4/2/2011 7:37:16 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus': Thanksgivng for prayers answered.Heal the sick! Conversion of Sinners! I lift up 10,000 terrorists';Holy Spirit Change their heart from Sual to Paul.Keep my family safe from the evil one! St Michael protect those in the field of justice:Judges(judgeCain);Detectives;Attroneys'(Bob);truth

4/2/2011 9:29:47 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: J

United States IP:

Lord bring our children back to church, baptisms, successful surgery, an annulment, companionship that is carrying and loving, jobs, health, happiness and for all who need our prayers. Guide Your loving hands to heal all who are ill. Thank You Lord for all You give us daily.

4/2/2011 2:42:52 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus':Thanksgiving for prayers answered. Heal ths sick! Conversion of Sinners! Restore Father John Corapi innocense;may he continue in his ministry.St Michael protect those in the field of justice:Judges(JudgeCain);Detectives;Attorneys(Bob);City Prosecutors;CPD;Priests;Doctors;bring truth ligh

4/1/2011 9:52:39 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Mary


I pray that I will be awarded the job transfer I am hoping for and that all the factors I am hoping for will happen. This is very important to me. This would be an amazing transfer and I pray that it all goes as I hope it will. Thank you and God Bless!

4/1/2011 8:24:13 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: gods kid

usa IP:

more gods love more gods life more gods holyspirit more gods goodness more gods hope more of gods leading more gods heart more of gods more of gods peace more of gods

4/1/2011 8:02:27 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: gods child

usa IP:

god your will god your will god please your will be done with my life been wanting to kill this human flesh

4/1/2011 7:58:40 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: child of god

usa IP:

god help me be healed in jesus name get back to job please help me job tell 80 90 years old please god

4/1/2011 7:53:00 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: rock sprindal ar

usa IP:

you post alot of things on the internet when jesus an the apostles prayed they prayed in the holy ghost no rosary no whiskey or wine in challace

4/1/2011 7:45:58 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: arogya raj

india IP:

pls pray for me I am suffer in some ago in one pain or sickness pls pray for me i believe the god really do miracle in my life i hope them lord Jesus pls pray for me and give suggestion and ideas . i study with MLISC course in 2010-2011 Academic year please pray my family members and my relatives .

4/1/2011 3:56:41 AM

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