Prayer requests, petitions, intentions - Catholic Prayers

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Prayer requests, Intentions, Petitions - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Randwick - Sydney Australia
For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998

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Please pray for us! :

Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus': Thanksgiving for prayers answered. Healthesick:Gabrielle;Maureen;Ruthann;Spiritual: Melina;Bob;Dan;Danielle;Diana;Jackie;those dying today.St Michael protect those in the field of justice:Judges(JudgeCain);Detectives;Attorneys(Bob);City Prosecutors;CPD;Priests;Doctors;Dentist; truth.

1/19/2011 7:55:15 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: J

United States IP:

Lord I know you hear our prayers in the way You alone know what we need. It seems we always ask for things and we should be thanking You instead for all you give us. Thank You and continue to guide us, watch over us, protect us and our family.

1/19/2011 4:51:39 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: claret

uae IP:

Mother help me heera to bound in the sacrament of marriage. Please guide my dad to agree for us and let be happy with my decision. Mother help my mother, to recover from her health, give her peace and happiness. give her all the better health. Pray for my sister and her husband and nekita. Pls Help

1/19/2011 12:37:02 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: `Francis

Ghana IP:

Dear Lord Jesus l thank you for your loving kindness on me and my family and l pray through the intercession of our mother Mary for the grace of God to be overflowing on my actvities as employee in the power sector of my country for the greater glory of God.

1/19/2011 12:27:00 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: MIKe

New Zealand IP:

God, remove all lust from mens hearts, and let them Live Holy, may they not control woman and dont let them annoy and posess, Look upon the young men in New Zealand and change their ways into good and Holiness, in Jesus Wonderful name Amen.

1/18/2011 7:53:24 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus': Thanksgiving for prayers answered.St. Michael protect those in the field of justice: Judges(JudgeCain);Detectives;Attorneys(Bob); City Prosecutors;CPD;Priests;Doctors;Dentist; bring the truth to the light.I pray for Melina & Bob Hendrix for the deception in exchange for bribe. Praise

1/18/2011 8:47:33 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: claret


Mother mary thru your son Jesus plz help me in the following matter. Health for my dad and mom. Better job for my sisters and BIL. Help me and heera to get along in the sacrament of matrimony. Please beg you and hope you will grant this to me and enlighten my dad

1/18/2011 12:03:42 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: ws

malaysia IP:

Please pray for MS, may the Lord deliver him from his problems and may the Lord bless the person who cheated him. Please also pray for BB, may the Lord open a way so that she can find a suitable house for her to rent. Thank you

1/17/2011 10:47:42 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: l.jay

ca, usa IP:

Lord,JC,MPH,SHJ,all Angels & Saints,pls. forgive me for all my sins.Bless my whole families just to b fine.Bless that all mom's blood test just to b fine. Bless Marc just to b fine for everything his doing.Bless our job to b fine.Bless us to b healthy strong & rich.Thank you Lord,JC, for everything.

1/17/2011 9:24:40 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Dorothy

United States IP:

Pray that my Husband John's doctors appointment tomorrow will all be fine. Please have his blood results be fine and he'll get a good report from all his laboratory tests. Bless all our family with good health and protect us from any harm and let there be no cancer in any of our families.

1/17/2011 7:54:41 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Gerard Francis Cutolo

United States of America IP:

Prayer for my sister, Teresa Kaplan who is battling cancer and pneumonia and nearing the end of her life.

1/17/2011 6:45:48 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Eloise

united states IP:

Please pray for a success shoulder surgery being done tomorrow, Tuesday Jan. 18th, at 11:30, and for a fast recovery period.

1/17/2011 5:14:09 PM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: esther

nigeria IP:

please pray for me so that God will heal me from pain in my shoulder and at the back. the pain is trying to paralyze my right arm. but i believe not one bone of mine shall be broken amen

1/17/2011 10:03:11 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: TRACY


Please pray for my friends daughter Alex who just started chemotherapy yesterday. Also for all the other children in the cancer ward fighting constant pain. Give their parents and families the strength they need during these difficult dark times.

1/17/2011 9:15:31 AM


Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests  Intentions: Pat

usa IP:

Dear Jesus': Thanksgiving for prayers answered. Healthe sick:Jackie;Gabrielle;Diana;Dan;those dying today.Assist Jerry with job.St. Michael protect those in the field of justice: Judges(JudgeCain);Detectives;Attorneys(Bob);City Prosecutors;CPD;Priests;Doctors;Dentist;bring the truth to light.Praise

1/17/2011 7:51:37 AM

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