Catholic Prayers -  Intentions, Petitions, prayer requests year 2003

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For the Glory of God, this Apostolate began in September 1998
Thank you for joining us in prayer - your petitions to list.

Daily masses are being offered for these intentions

Please pray for us! :


Mexico  IP:

Lord, please hear our voices to prevent the war at Irak. Thank You.

2/26/2003 7:42:49 AM



Myself and my husband are trying for a baby for the past 6 months, but were unsuccessful. Please pray for us to get a baby. We believe that our GOD Almighty can do wonderful things.

2/26/2003 12:58:07 PM



Please pray for Betty who's in the hospital, for Margee and her family and her grandson who committed suicide last night, Jean's family, for Mary & Stavo, for Fr. E, the holy father, for my special intentions. I also wanted to thank you all for prayers for Kim and she did have the procedure done so we are praying for her soul. Thank you.

2/26/2003 7:18:38 PM


Philippines  IP:

Please pray that my ex husband grant me divorce. That he be cooperative in obtaining the divorce decree

2/26/2003 8:02:47 PM

 Maria Rodriguez

Canada  IP:

My husband of 29 months, we are not young, this is my second marriage after widow hood to him. He is very selfish, lives in my house, use everything free, eats free as well, asks money from me constantly, although he works, for low wages that is, but he has no households expenses because I pay it all, he alwasy in debts on the credit cards. I need prayers that bacuse I am 66 yrs. old, and he is going to be 60, he has nothing, but debts, and worthless electnocics junks, that pays nothing to sell it again, that he start saving for the days ahead, and to get out of debt, and to stop charging items. He is in bound with the devil for spending for what he does not have, and living of me and I am strugling on my pensions. I am also disabled. He hardly ever help in the house. I can count it on my two hands for the last 3 yrs. Please pray that his heart will move towards the will of the Father, and that he will come to the understanding about it. Thank you . MR.

2/27/2003 9:01:34 AM



My 81 year old grandmother's recovery from triple bypass and valve replacement surgery is being marked with allergic reaction to morphine, diabetes, edema, and infectious complications. Though she may only move her eyes, head, and right shoulder, God has given her the Grace to smile- at our light-hearted quips. May she join us again in health. Thank you.

2/27/2003 10:21:16 PM



Please pray for my nephew Jimmy. He is being called out for active duty. He is terrifed beyond belief. Please pray for his safety and his safe return to his loved ones. Pray for all those young men that have to leave their homes and lives to fight a war. Please pray for him and others like him. dmg772

2/28/2003 5:51:50 AM

 Maria Rodriguez

Canada  IP:

Please pray for my friend, Lucia Gaspar, she asked me for lacing this petation on her behalf: for regaining her health, for a much needed spiritual strenth, and growth she is widowed living alone, she is 68, and scared because the way today older people are treated, it is a sin that her only daughter did abandoned her the way she did. Thank you and God's Blessing .... her friend Maria Rodriguez. Praise God for this site.

2/28/2003 8:35:21 AM

 Maria Rodriguez

Canada  IP:

As I found this site yesterday, immediately I told about to my friends. They don't have a computer, they asked me for placing prayer request for them so here it is please... Robert is his hame, said, I am asking the Father Almighty, Maria, please so that he gives me prosperity, to glorify his name, and to be able to do nice for you my dear friend, because you are so humble, and good, and love your fellow men so much, that you give what you could spend on your self, but you said, "you need it more" He said, pray for a mentsion for me, and then I'll throw a big party for you, give you pedicure, colour your hair, put flowers in them, shower you not just with love from me but with wonderful things of this earth, and then I can take care of you, please ask the Father, in heaven for prosperity for me, because at this moment, you know my friend, I live on 520. dollar a month on welfare, there are just no jobs, at this moment, and I have to pay rent 465. monthly, that leave me very little to put on my plate. Maria, he said to me, I am just skin and bone you know only you help me, what you can with, my family does not help me, they don't even want to come near me, all my friends left me except you because they know that now I am in need. So, my good friend, please ask from my Heavenly Father, to give me abundance in life.....please. Pray for me ..... put in a request. God Bless you for your goodness for praying for us during the mass. Thank you heavenly Father, to make me to be a carring person. This is your child.....Maria Rodriguez

2/28/2003 8:44:20 AM



Dear Holy Father, I know that I am your holy child and that all of my prayers are answered. Please bring Driss, my husband, and I back together as husband and wife (under the same roof) so we may live together in unity and love as a family. Please help Driss and I heal from any unkind words or misunderstandings and help each of us know that we are human and as humans, we make mistakes. Please help restore our marriage and our love for each other. Thank you.

2/28/2003 2:20:38 PM

 Beth L. Treffery


Please pray for a job also finances to meet debts, present and future. I am also believing for enough money to get my teeth fixed (8,000.) Also pray for a restoration of my marriage of 25 years. He divorced me 2 1/2 years ago. It is my desire to get back together with him. Thank you and God bless, Beth T. AKA

3/1/2003 3:13:53 PM


ireland  IP:

Dear lord please look after my sister and husband in there hour of need. Please allow this baby to be healthy and safe, from now until his or her delivery. Amen

3/2/2003 11:04:22 AM


United States  IP:

Please fervently pray to Almighty God for world peace. God always answers prayer - perhaps not always the way we hope, but He knows best. Trust Him! God and only God is in complete control of everything, including the current world crisis. God’s will be done, not ours. God knows the end result, we do not. Absolutely nothing will happen that He won't allow to happen. If we put our trust in Him, become an instrument in His hands and let God do whatever He wants with us, marvelous things can happen and God can become glorified through us. Are you willing to humbly offer prayers to God, trust Him and totally depend on Him? As Our Lady of Fatima said, "pray the Rosary daily" ... pray for peace, for the conversion of sinners, ask for God’s forgiveness and for His mercy. We must stop offending God and turn our lives around. God patiently waits for us to ask for His help which He is always ready to give. Only a change of heart will bring peace into our hearts, our families, our communities, our country and our world. "The World needs Fatima ... the only way to world peace." Remember, this life is only a journey and how we live it will determine how we spend eternal life.

3/2/2003 6:53:55 PM

 Mayral Gry


I feel so lonely, and i want all of you pray for me. please i need somebody to take care of me, and love me with all his hearth. and i promese that i take care too. tank you very much. and god bless all of you..........

3/2/2003 7:52:54 PM



Please pray for his conversion, for the hatred in his heart to be replaced with love, for his conversion, for Gods will in our relationship & for protection from all evil. Thank you

3/3/2003 8:25:52 AM

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